You dropped the ball. Where are you?

5 min readDec 17, 2024

Segmented in order of membership i rejected:

ABCD (American (or Any), Born Confused Desi)

So that was alot of big talk. Nicely done with the BS degrees and your bull shit houses. I hated you when we got back.

We get back from India and I had an accent coz i was there for 8 years. OMG sorry teenage mutant ninja turtles, star trek, baywatch and oprah what we got in india did not get rid of it. Profusely apologetic that i enjoyed being culturally rooted to old country. At least I dont think khalistan is an activist movement.

You think you were born here and you grew up here so ur goras. You feel like a gora at work? The temple is not a fashion runway eh. And your culture is not blackface to wear into the office so you can EDI ahead.

You love the “one on one”. But lets get into mixed company and your just going to parrot what they say.

Why did you have kids if you were not going to back them up? I dont care if your parents cleaned bathrooms after getting double degrees and you married a gora, its your job to bring them along.

Your kids are hurting. You are drinking cool wine and gathering your do-dads and your kids are trying to raise awareness about climate change and genocide. You built this world. Your all accountants or lawyers, obviously this is your fault.

I also enjoy a glass of wine or a bottle- but i didnt go to school — fake going to the library, do the outfit change and then stay out partying all night.

You seem to be comfortable using these gora tricks to get ahead, throw everyone under the bus, your worse to the people like your parents than the goras were to them. I have no respect for you.

Your kids- they i respect. Your kids are not sure what you are doing other than try to look fancy fancy.

I dont know if you noticed but they dont care if you think you are a coconut. I have no idea if you noticed they are not going more than skin deep. All you have done is accumulate debt, assets and then not be allowed to be seen at work.

You were not there at the climate marches. you were not there at #meToo. Or #BLM. your conveniently never there. Congratulations for disrespecting your parents and the sacrifices they made. Your kids are paying the price.

Desi bitch

Generation X, Y, X-Y

the hell is wrong with you?

we are all the same assholes. you obviously cheated your way to the top. because i dont care if anyone prepared, minus me, the ABCDs will kick ur ass in any test any day, en masse.

we all know your forcing this racial bs on us. you know we deserve to be with you right there. your scared that we might be better. So you dont want to learn and celebrate the progress we make together. All you do is play demographic politics and call your daddy or mommy, or whomever to help you get the jobs you know you cant get if we apply fair.

you have money that you stole from us now. you have opportunities that you took from us now. economy wide.

i cant belive i have to say this, just because your kids are standing shoulder to shoulder with other brown and black and pink and orange people and you hurt people like that DOES NOT give you the right to pepper spray them.

you are the wrong characters in all the 90s movies we grew up with. omg we are back to the abortion debates because your addicted to stuff.

if you dont think you are the wrong people in dirty dancing then why are women dying from back alley abortions now? you were supposed to grow up buffy. what happened to the guys who were supposed be in “shes all that”?

you fucked up. you sold us out because you knew the only way you could get ahead was to push us down. ya you didnt bury the residential kids but you are just as complicit in the institutional structures that have been created to hold minorities down.

take your money and your success and ask your kids if it makes up for the morality they dont see in you now.

your titles are irrelevant to me. einsties are not being seen coz you prefer the whiteness of Elon Musks. You would rather have a Donald Trump than a Kamila Harris. good job assholes. nice world that is about to die.

i dont know if you know but ur kids are super cool. they have no hope for the future. they dont care about retirement they dont expect to retire. they are conked on weed coz the cant deal with the loneliness. legalizing cannibis is chill. but this is not why or when or how to use it.

they dont talk to you because once you become an asshole, your just an asshole. do something from the nothing you are doing.

Not one of you



listen assholes, i also have no idea wtf the women are saying. no one does. this is why we all hate HR man. Y do i have to go to this much fucking training about “safe work places” and it never works!!

learn to talk. learn to have some respect. and your all the cool “alpha” moron shit- then with great power comes great responsibility.

for example- if you see HIGH SCHOOL girls protesting do not argue and take your rage about being stupid out on them. you should be ashamed of yourselves as a gender right now.

this is obviously your world. u held everyone back. how do you like the report card?

World ending threats that we are going into Christmas with in 2024:

  • World genocide: climate change + any other AI driven one
  • Racism
  • Sexism

Maybe- just maybe women are not having kids because you are that abusive. Are you surprised women dont want to have kids with men who take away the INCEST and RAPE conditions away from abortion?

Whatever locker room you are in, here is some advice from ours, get a couch. Go to the bathroom in packs. and then take the bartender and ask him how many different hand signs and fake drink orders there are to give that bro the signal — that lady needs rescue.

and when you come out of that locker room, accept you have 100% been an asshole before you went in. so now you are going to be this dude:

and if you are not ready to make the sacrifice play so another woman does not look at you and pretend to be listening to music, or reading a book then go back in.

You know who




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