Why not everyone should fight back.
Frankly if u don’t have to then u should not. Because if u don’t have to then u cut corners now thinking they don’t matter. Because if Ur not feeling like a target then Ur not as smart as an animal whose fight and flight are triggered.
And if Ur not that smart, then u r sloppy. Ur going to get hurt and Ur going to hurt others.
So when u define who you are be careful about that definition. Be careful that the u define Ur own humanity it is narrow because if u r not defined by narrow domestic walls, then you must stand up to seek a place where knowledge is free. Where their world has not been broken into narrow domestic walls.
If it’s not fucking bare knuckles personal the sit it out. Someone will come to help you when we get to it. Or u can hide.
Equality is not about how we treat each human identity, it is about how we liberate every soul. I do not need to understand u to value u. I need to not even know u to stand for when they come for u. Because if those of us on the front lines begin to distinguish between the shades of humanity, then we have none of our own left to rise above from.
Whatever you look like is irrelevant, what personal reason do u have to hold the flag up high? Because if ye break faith with us who die then all we have is Graves and poppies in Flanders fields.