What i did
there i was, no one was listening. i had to convince everyone who was too stupid to know i was smart what was going on. in addition i already knew the words the government things would tag me as a terrorist.
israr would not shut up about “social justice” what the hell this is, i still dont know. but i was the “social justice” warrior. how i achieved this i dont know. even the therapist he introduced me to kept trying to convince me that he also loved social justice.
i still have no idea what this is. i thought it was a club of somekind. when i 100% broke up with my therapist i asked him. he said it was a hokey concept about people wanting to have justice.
why this was mansplained to me by a moronic 28 yr old idiot who could not get a haircut and had justin timberlake blonde crazy hair i have no clue.
however, since no one understood me i knew other morons were probably also fighting “social justice” with starbucks coffee. so my devious plan was to study them. i studied them on linkedin. the account that was deleted by linkedin after being cited by SDTC. which i usually used for business but this was too important.
i also went public with my stress. because everyone was stressed. my objective was to “social justice” out of that stress. jackasses think and llm can understand people or communicate. communication in language is MATHEMATICALLY the delta of what you say. llms r the predictive model of the most likely words to occur together. communication is the the words that DONT.
so everyone was an idiot.
i monitored all my posts. for the likes. because the people who like a post are too scared to comment. i also checked their work locations. once i got graphically the mix of people who looked like no one, zero graphical deviation all mixed, then i made sure i had a form of “bureaucrat”. who was 28 or lower. starting their career.
my students were very well versed in cultures. i wanted to hit them 3 years after they got jobs. i wanted to speak to that generation. so i “social justiced” myself my own llm. as the “older” person the young people who clicked knew i was right and bold enough to speak up.
once i got the right mix of population demographic i had to really think about how much i was willing to risk to fight for actual lives saved. because i had to push the other average ALONE.
so i went twitter on linkedin.
thats why i know what the evolution of the llms on both was. i was creating a “social justice” lexicon to fight on LinkedIn because all the normal ppl r there. to my utter surprise women over the age of 28- especially 45+ began to inbound reach out to me.
“i was inspired by you, can you chat?”
god- never again.
the number of women i have talked to from across US and Canada who just in 5 min would start crying. they broke down immediately. and all i could think about was
“how did i miss this?”
i needed one person to keep going. one person who said “that helped”. the reason is the actual formula for the NPS calculation with “social justice”. the professional cost for a person of color to try to raise awareness is 18 months of no pay. a potential illegal govt hack. being probably labelled a terrorist. having all my accounts hacked. bank. phone. email.
getting 2 legal notices for “stop or else the cops are coming for you”
1- “shes insane and suicidal”
what i find interesting is that i am indeed brilliant. since 2020 i have not found the right way to say
“thats not fair, you discriminating against me”
without being punched by everything they got.
so ya. i did that. ya i had so many people feel they had a voice on my former linkedin account that im glad i did until SDTC had me shut down. because atleast briefly i made sure someone said:
“fuck the money- ur mental health is more important. leave- i did”
so no one would commit SUICIDE.
she was that bad. i am still that concerned. thanks for investigating auditor general. even when a cop in seattle runs over a brown chick he knows it costs 12k.
whats in your wallet?