Welcome to political death valley
Disclaimer: This article is not a personal comment on David Sacks or his work, only his publicly available comments and what he has himself put out in public will be used. I hope he doesn't change his opinion now but given his regret at some former comments on date rape being so casual that its nothing more than a woman changing her mind, i hope he is a more evolved man privately than he seems in public.
So what? David Sacks and Peter Thiel didnt think date rape was a big deal. Exemplifying the culture today where women are being burnt alive by boyfriends for — i guess not putting out, what else is new?
The challenge with the investors like Sacks is a lack of real education. He is a clear MAGA supporter and just like a MAGA supporter, he has done zero education on politics. His opinion remains:
“where is the evidence”.
alas- we are mere women, there is never enough evidence Mr. Sacks. There is only wilful ignorance of reality.
Exercising your right for political discourse is an honest citizens responsibility. At 300k a plate, let us leave the horse shit about not paying for access outside the stable? Are we to truly belive that Mr. Sacks is this naive:
Mr. Sacks bullshit essay on twitter sites exactly what you would expect from a man whose public credibility comes from being the poster child of the industry that is holding women back at 3% funding. His arguments are the personification of what Putin would want. A man of his influence- bending over backwards.
The question about how far Sacks has been mind controlled is answered no where better than on the All in podcast itself:
Nothing can exemplify the impact of how much people like Sacks have been duped and controlled than the moment Jason Calacanis introduces the hornets nest of the “Russia” question.
What follows is the story of my life and the life of every woman on twitter where Calacanis tries to do his best to be professional, and sympathetic to his FRIEND and Mr. Sacks, like a petulant child reads aloud the talking points of the Russian news media.
The awkwardness is palatable. Sacks literally rolls his eyes. Not at the absurdity of a man who hosts a 300k/ plate dinner to BUY ACCESS into the white house, but at the notion that VLADAMIR PUTIN would not want to do the same with RUSSIAN crypto and bitcoin money.
Mr. Sacks does not need to worry- at 1:09:23, every woman on planet earth knows it is not Putin it is exactly you who will hand our reproductive rights over to Trump. Dont worry, we will all remember who was an investor this whole time. The same man who might have publicly admitted to saying some “uncomfortable” things without ever understanding that when an elephant walks too loud- those of us considered ants, have only the option of being killed under your weight or run away.
let us know which bunker to hide our own personal failings at not being able to stop the rape from happening so now we probably asked for it, and since your country and policies favor criminalizing having kids- women have to suffer.
Sacks speaking from the Putin rule book, “dont even talk about it”.
thats exactly it Mr. Sacks. thank you for disappearing all the comments that you found uncomfortable from your scenery. We apologize for disrupting the homogeneity of your wonderfully manicured life experience with our, not wanting to be raped, killed and enslaved economically, but it seems you hold all the power. you are your valley besties, are about the exemplification of the world today.
One white man- trying to do what he considered his actual job- bringing up a conversation that is the most OBVIOUS thing to happen in the world unless you are a flamingo with your head in the sand. Another white man, dismissing with no consideration of literal logical thought the veracity of the claim.
alas, only when a woman is concerned we say “where there is smoke there is fire”. when trump exists a burning building you ask for more evidence of the crime.
Mr. Calacanis betrays his own ignorance on who Tenet media is. If you are sleeping under a rock, in Nepal with no wifi access, then it seems you and Mr. Calacanis have the same look when he calls the name. If you are a Trump supporter and you do not know Tenet Media, then u r an idiot who is choosing to follow the sheep off the cliff.
Watching each others asses as you walk off the cliff is one thing, my perhaps Mr. Sacks wants to wake up from his leisurely sleep and realize that the dick measuring contest in the valley, is blowing up in Canada also. Thank you for the recession, or do you need me to draw the dots so you can join them with crayon at the morning brunch?
It is truly when Mr. Palihapitiya references a kennedy, the DOJ and attempts to academically say the “uncomfortable thing out loud” that i could not help but scoff. is this a serious assessment of the political climate by the “valley elite”. is this truly your political punditry?
The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is going through an ELECTION. after weaponizing the RUSSIAN border. Russia has CRYPTO SUPREMECY. which naive idiot on planet earth cannot figure out that the leakiest country from the perspective of INTERNATIONAL SECURITY is Canada? OMG Mr. Palihapitiya is literally Canadian.
Are we in the real world to now funnel the anthologies of degrees and real political insight through the naive bullshit machine of the “besties” simply because they have the MONETARY power to end the earth?
Are we to sit here on our asses until the besties join the children playing on garbage dumps in india who understand politics better.
Or are you deciding to not pay any attention to the news because you are American and you think ur guns are bigger? CSIS has literally come out and cited the Candian Prime Minister for NOT READING INTELLIGENCE REPORTS. like one of your own, which resulted in the events that you will commemorate in a few days. Those events have also been suspected to have been planned in Canada. FULLY FUELED planes.
Are Americans choosing to be stupid or is the fluoride tuned up too high in your water?
Mr. Palihapitya then reveals how long he has been rich by celebrating the fact that THEY at the ALL IN PODCAST are so rich they dont need these pesky things called ads. After being the literal reason for facebook destroying all forms of income possible.
He is literally the actual INVENTOR on patents that kill any form of ability for an average person or a real person with knowledge from making money with their knowledge without ads.
I would barf- but i had to make sure this was the worst it got.
Mr. Palihapitiya is one of the most hilarious valley “icons”. His character defies classification in any known literary format i have ever read. He is simultaneously the man who builds the problem and then slowly steps out of the room once everyone is infected and makes sure he does not use HIS OWN PRODUCTS. He wants to be part of a more evolved and equitable world. So he is not involved in the one he has built himself.
Do as i say and not as i do Palihapitiya. Indeed sir, tell up more sage advice from Mt. Olympus so your subjects can pretend to follow you just as soon as the fires you all collectively lit under our asses can be ignored because now you are not even letting us access the water.
Oh i am glad that the “besties” have experienced evolution during the sixth mass extinction event called Anthropogenic Climate Change that apparently the OIL AND GAS loving PUTIN whose country is literally run by OIL AND GAS oligarchs does not have a vested interest in controlling.
These individuals hosted a dinner for a man whose family messed up a crypto startup so bad it could not launch. Meaning they messed up the FRONT END. you dont even need a front end for this. Fuck politics what the hell are these people basing investment decisions on?
Mr. Palihapitiya so valiantly does not need to make money, while his besties ensure that no woman of color who is edcuated and can absolutely give them a fair competition, can even earn an hourly wage. Only Mr. Calacanis has thought of this. He atleast funded Uber which may have destroyed cab drivers and their ability to earn a living, might not make any profit but is 100% the career of choice for this women now.
And then i stopped watching.
Because if you wanna play- if you wanna really go all in gentleman, then make no mistake, in any contest when u whip it out to measure it, ours is bigger than urs.
you are where you are not because of fair competition. you are there because the naivety of Sacks is THE calling card of your generation. It is irrelevant if u recanted your comments made on a whim. it is pointless that today you do not think women should get raped. or that you have decided in your benevolence that date rape is rape.
we also see you. and when you act like your someone else to get the date. then u act like someone else on the date. then u do something else that goes a lil too far, we know that there is someone like Sacks at the end of the 911 call. Or on the bench. So you know and we know we cant call anyone for help.
Is there a sector of the economy? of any space on earth you have left safe for us? build us the bunker, with the amount of education we have we will actually survive the climate collapse that is going to destroy YOUR WORLD that YOU BUILT in YOUR OWN IMAGE. next year.