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Using biomimicry to Engineer healthy culture
Innovation as a pattern of Evolution
Please note- I am an ethnic woman who has always been paid 47% less than my male peers in every industry i have worked. Despite my many accomplishments, i was never paid or respected for the caliber of my mind, but only what they thought i was worth. therefore, i donate this work to humanity. let us hope in 131 years women are indeed free. until then, i offer this knowledge that i created in the hopes that it can further the cause. the day after the only human being alive who cared for this earth was arrested for protesting inaction on climate. i stand with Greta Thunberg. Ms. Thunberg- forgive the delay. I was busy pretending life could be fair. I am here now, better late than never. I will gladly take my lead from you ma’am.
The word ‘Innovation’ is often thrown around like B school bingo — ‘curate’, ‘synergy’, ‘disruptive’. The overuse of a word often renders it absolute so we innovate on language- ‘Ah innovative but are you disruptive??’. The business world seems rife with theories on innovation- from the open office fad to the pool table at work, where is innovation bred and what does it mean? Someone tells us our GDP depends on it- so perhaps in the time of COVID-19, as our governments look to a new strategy for economic recovery lets have a close look at what innovation really is and what value it brings to our economy.
Now before you go further, be warned, this is not a click bate article. Frankly click bate is the clear indication of how…