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The psycopaths we choose to put in charge
Well i love a good analysis- and lets say if there is a better data point to reveal how much bull shit is in the valley i cant find one.
Elon Musk and Sam Altman- the two idiots who keep getting funding while women like me are being targeted by their tech and experiments and have a 0.9% chance of funding.
How does it feel to be a white guy- or a guy in the world today knowing the only reason for ur success is how you look?
Neither Elon, nor Sam are any less that Josef Mengele- the Nazi germany scientist who conducted inhumane experiments on people.
Not only have these two materially destroyed the fabric of society by creating AI that is being used to target and eliminate people they dont think are up to snuff, they are also using the technology and platforms like twitter- oh sorry X how cool, to brainwash people to become their fans.
And they keep getting funding. Billions infact. So the question is not are they responsible. That is obvious. These are two people or marginal intellect who have been given unyielding control over society and they are doing what boys with toys have always done. not sharing their toys, and not letting the girls play, and making up their own bull shit rules. no woman is surprised.
So whats up everyone else? why do u keep voting for them by funding them? why is this bull shit backed, sub prime mortgage still selling? its selling coz every white man with money- who funds them has…