The Mathematical Proof of Hegemony and its cost.

5 min readDec 25, 2024


Dedication: To the most humbling person I can no longer meet- Noam Chomsky. You are indeed in a better place my friend. Your book was the most humbling education the the mathematics of language. Only a man who survived the holocaust would be so careful in the selection of his words. Indeed. Dear friend- indeed.

The following analysis combines the work of Douglas Hubbard and joins it with the work of Clayton Christensen in Innovators Dilemma and cross correlates that with the work of Daniel Kahneman.

Title: The Math of my English

abstract: the following work can be used to analyze any population group for bias. the nature of the bias is not important for the equations to be relevant. the size of the population group must be n>1000. In addition the homogeneity of the population must be taken into account. The population size if dependent on each population n>1000. Therefore if more than one population is in a group, it must also have an n>1000.

Please note this is a big numbers analysis. Therefore an n>1000 is the only way to get the cultural effects of the large population group. It is vital that a population be self- identified. Based on the principals of behavior economics as noted by Daniel Kahneman, the expert myth that is also present in the works of Douglas Hubbard can only be used to do this analysis if the populations self identify.

For the most accurate analysis, populations should not be asked to identify. As noted by Kahneman in Thinking Fast and Slow, when a person self identifies as an expert in any field, only then do they act like their impression of what an expert acts like.

It is also postulated that Daniel Kahneman’s work, with Hubbard’s methodology of measuring non quantized qualities formulates the mathematical proof for Clayton Christensen’s Innovators Dilemma.

Therefore it can be concluded that the entire globalized population has a form of Innovators Dilemma. Based on the nature of their self identification.

Case Study:

Self- Supremacy.

While the actual study was conducted on White Supremacy these finding hold for all forms of supremacy. The use of white supremacy was only done as the researcher was in Edmonton, Alberta and had access to all the needed elements.

It is noted that the same behaviors have been seen in Hindu supremacy, Jewish Supremacy and Religious Supremacy. Those elements were used to ensure the mathematical proof would be replicated. The experimental design replicates the findings in 100% of cases.

Therefore, as no exception was found, Self- Supremacy and its related conditions can be classified as a brain condition indicative of psychopathy. While it was not the intention of this research to branch into psychology, the researcher would conclude that psychopathy is not just a defect children can be born with. It can be engineered and learned. These findings are consistent with the results of the Utopia experiment and can formulate the mathematical explanation of how Behavioral Sinks work.

The Utopia experiment is not part of this analysis. It is mentioned for analytical reasons only. Further study should be conducted to confirm all findings of this research. However, this research can only be done as an anthropologist as long as the population is not aware that they are being studied. The researcher recommends the use of a chaotic circuit to design a controlled experiment in a safe university lab. No insurance company would insure the experiment and no ethics approval will ever be granted to carry out the human trials.

Experimental Subjects:

  1. Edmonton Global
  2. University of Alberta- Department of Engineering
  3. Government of Canada- Sustainable Development Technology Canada
  4. Banking system: CIBC
  5. Cryptocurrency: LocalCoin ATM
  6. Telecommunications: FIDO
  7. 1000+ experts in AI and “friends and family”

The experiment is irrelevant. Therefore it will not be described and no proof will be shared for the assumed law concludes that legal ramifications will ensue to the fullest extent of assumed supremacy.


Mechanical Vibrations were used to simulate the behavior of individuals as the communicate with each other. In accordance with the way that mechanical vibrations pass between materials the following impacts were assumed:

  1. Transmission of the vibration
  2. The change in material
  3. The reflection and refraction that occurs as a vibration passes from one material to another.
  4. The density of the materials being able to transmit the vibration

Vibration = communication (verbal, written, and analytical data in English and math).

Material one: Non Hegemonic.

Material two: Hegemonic .

Reflected Vibration: The experience of one material after the vibration has been sent.

Refracted Vibration: The experience of a material after confirmation that the vibration has been received.

Density of material: The receptivity of a material in accepting or sending the vibration.

Hegemonic Material Eccentricity:

While in most mechanical systems a wave of the vibration is transmitted into the new material, as illustrated visually in the following:

Wave ripple

The rippling effect observed at timeStamp: 3.30 demonstrates how a vibration is transmitted through a system. As a material collides with another, a mechanical ripple is sent as a shock wave throughout the system.

While most materials, especially materiel that are rated for strength like concrete do not have any visual ripples, these materials are the most efficient conductors of mechanical waves. They absorb minimal energy and transmit the most due to the close packed molecules. Hot and cold rolled metals demonstrate this effect best.

To absorb a mechanical vibration the medium must have molecular flexibility. Non flexible materials are brittle. Persistent application of vibrations tends to create breaking points at the locations of non-hegemony.

A flexible material like Aluminum or Titanium is better suited for advanced applications where systems need to absorb mechanical information from their environment to navigate challenging environmental conditions. Like those experienced in aviation and space.

Aviation has limited use of tools like welding because they change the nature of the material and make their function unpredictable.

A hegemonic material was found to not merely be brittle but to also reflect the vibration back at the highest strength available to it.

No transmission of vibration was possible with a hegemonic material. In addition any attempt of communication was destroyed by the hegemonic material.

The only known material that can achieve this has been postulated in the science fiction movie the Black Panther:

reflection of energy

While the suit demonstrated in this movie forms the basis of a hegemonic material as discovered, it is a mere speculative form of material. There is no possible defense.

As it is not possible to estimate the strength of the hegemonic response, it cannot be defended against.

Hegemonic response is the fundamental basis for the behavior that is academically known as “Innovator’s Dilemma”. In addition it is the mathematical proof of Daniel Khaenmans work on the expert myth. It is also the foundational element of bias as indicated in How to Measure Anything by Douglas Hubbard who, likely unknown to him, discovered it in statistics.

As Christensen, Khaenman and Hubbard have all discovered the same pattern of Hegmonic response independently in 3 different disciplines- is must therefore be studied as a law of human behavior.

Its prevalence is unknown. Its impact has not been calculated.

Cost of Study:





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