The Law of the Averages and how it impacts you everyday life
Shout-out corner:
I am not new to blogging. But i am new to building a brand identity and doing a company thing. so i am actually using the analytics here to make sure im hitting the vibe right. thanks to all my new followers. its a real pick me up when someone decides to follow me, i am very intimidated by the “Dr”s. ill be less crass.
to Forestree- man i got no idea who u are but i give myself a high five every-time u do. thanks a ton!! it always cheers me up. leave a note on why you liked something- id love to get the feedback.
A little bit of math makes ur life alot easier to live
I am mathy in my head. and i break everything down into a very specific equation. im mathy in life. im not claiming to have a math degree or be a phd in astrophysics. that math is boring.
i like logical breakdowns. and the most important thing i use is the law of the average. so what is this?
The Law of the Averages:
That is all u need to know about life.
This graph is an idiot. lets break this down easier to understand:
First of all we need to understand what the population is made of. This is how most polling is being gamed. they select a population group that is biased. To get a real representation we need to be careful to remove bias from the group.
There can be static and dynamic populations.
Example Static Population:
What percentage of the population is:
- Trans?
- Left handed?
- Has a dimple?
To understand the above, all you need is a random group of 1000 people. Count the number of each and that is a representative static population. All three of those things are natural variances in human beings. therefore they will not statistically grow in occurrence but they may be reported more depending on environment.
Left-handedness was considered to be the sign of a bad soul by the catholic church for years, so schools would force left- handed kids to learn to write with their right hands to conform to their ideals. that did not make the left handed people right-handed. it made them able to write with their right hand as good as right handed people wrote while also being able to already do the task with their left. due to social pressure.
Example Dynamic Population:
What percentage of the populations wants to:
- Be healthy?
- Get a job?
- Help someone in need?
The above change based on social acceptance. the definition of “healthy” has changed overtime and as the definition evolves people change to conform to that new definition.
so if today the definition of healthy says look like Chris Hemsworth, and tomorrow the definition says dad-bods are healthy then the dad bod becomes the direction of choice. and eventually the Chris Hemsworth bod can be retired as no longer being “healthy”. it can be other things ;)
Getting people to do what someone wants is a form of culture change. It uses the principal of gamification to get there. that is not covered in this article.
Personalize the law of the averages:
In your day to day life, you dont care about a random 1000, people. you care about what makes you happy and what you want your life to be like.
in order to create a mathematical way to achieve this, you can easily use a very boring math hack. you need 3 points of reference.
- you- the most important. how do you want to feel about this topic?
- the teacher- who do you want to be like on this topic?
- the student- who can you help to get closer to where you are on this topic.
Its actually very simple to automate your goals. The hardest part is really remembering to refresh your network and friends. If you are someone who values your independence and wants to do something no one has done then your objective is not to be comfortable. Your objective is to achieve your goals.
All you need is to make two friends. Someone who knows more than you on the topic you want to achieve and someone you can “teach” who is interested in the same so you can have a conversation to refresh motivations.
then adjust the goals based on what you enjoy doing in terms of effort. if you are on a path and you can achieve a goal but your not enjoying urself then time is limited. so use it wisely.
I always create a few new things i do at the same time. it creates a learning mindset and then i can just assume i dont know what im doing anywhere so i make fewer mistakes.
The one conversation im starting to pay attention to socially to see how technology can help create healthy work environments is pronouns:
I also think sometimes its important to have a casual conversation about something so you can learn and frame how that applies to your daily life.
feel free to jump into this one- it dosent matter where in this video you jump in or out. you should be able to join the conversation, and it should make sense to you. if it dosent — let me know:
A note on the Economy based on the law of the averages:
I know what this means. So i will only leave the following here:
- 3% of VC funding goes to female founders
- women outperform their male peers by 68% when given the chance
- women apply to jobs when they are 100% qualified in contrast to men who apply when they are 70% qualified.
- women have more degrees than men
- women create more industries than men
- women earn 30% less than men
- women left industry in droves after COVID
How many people in positions of power are women?
- Like hires like
Anonymous feedback would be loved: