you know i hate spots. ive hated it for a long time. but i love politics. so where other ppl have march madness, omg i have election season. and this year santa came early.
in 2017 i, along with some policy nerds imagined the climate transition opportunity for canada. we had an NDP gov in alberta and a liberal team in ottawa.
now that i look back on it, there is one really important thing missing in the article. we never analyzed if the governments making the policy decision had leaders who understood execution.
and lets say the last few years being in the nexus of fed-prov-muncipal politics i can say one thing with ease- ONLY execution matters.
so we are heading into a leadership race at the Alberta NDP. and if ur not watching this race in Canada- u r not in real political strategy. Nenshi’s competition is a woman who is currently at the BANKRUPT city hall. shes a councilor who has done nothing to help edmonton. and her claims are frankly indicting. and Nenshi is not only the decorated cinderella in his signiture purple accent, hes the real deal.