The Auditor General is Politically Compromised
To be honest at this point, i would report the auditor general for trying to get me to say “good job” on the SDTC “investigation” where i was not interviewed. But i had to resign as a prof due to discrimination.
In addition, as always, that would make me research who audits the auditor general, leading to another year of free work that the auditor general should have been doing all along.
that would trigger the auditor general to audit itself, then they can tell themselves why the Canadian tax payer keeps loosing so much money, fine the government and fold themselves into WHAT???
if the auditor general wants my comment on their report they can pay my market rate. ill charge the normal government of canada markup allowed to the MPs and all the people who scammed money from the Canadian tax payer. ill just multiply it by a factor that is the bitch slap of my resume that they deserve.
so high five on how to audit. if u dont care that discrimination is an economic productivity problem.
then mark carney is not an economist.
neither is ben bernanky.
or tony frost at ivey.
or bloomberg.
or the NOBEL laureate Daniel Khaenman.
the father of measurements Douglas Hubbard.
the father of innovation studies Clayton Christensen.
Adam Grant the educator and scholar.
Malcolm Gladwell the canadian wierdo who sold me very uncomfortable “me undies”.
richard branson is- i guess dumber than u
so is chamath palihipitiya the refugee BILLIONAIRE in the valley who left CANADA to become filty rich coz he is … smart.
hell- elon musk is dumber than u
mukesh ambani is i guess stupid, therefore the richest man alive?
ratan tata was a dumb man then?
due to the incredible demonstration of the caliber of academic and basic common sense this conservative must leave canada. because canadian experience is a professional liability to me now. you be stupid. forgive me my ambitions cannot be contained within the confines of your inability to see past demographic politics.
i shoot for greatness, therefore i am content standing on the shoulders of the giants that came before me. in the hopes that i can reach further. so i can reach back as michelle obama advocated, and torpedo the next generation past your hopelessness.
i was born to reach for the stars and galaxies that elon musk cannot dream. the future belongs to the future. i am starfleet academy. and i will get it done sir yes sir.
To: All Canadians
In my capacity as a Canadian Naturalized Citizen, the PRIMARY whistle-blower for the Sustainable Development Technologies Canada Scandal, the Interference in the Canadian and US election by Russia, and especially as the person who just finished retroactively deprogramming twitter while not being paid because they don’t understand social media crimes, I call for the immediate impeachment of the entire WHITE AND OTHER COLORED leadership at the Office of the Auditor General. All top two layers of management. Delete the boxes.
Now if there is an AI that the Government of Canada did not use on me it is only because I did not create it. This was an audit on you.
I have 20 YEARS of complaints that have been sent to you that could have prevented this entire thing 20 years ago.
As the invited guest to the apology of the Kamagatamaru, in the house of commons, I shall now stop acting like a brown lady. You froze me out of the investigation. I would not play ball. I demanded to be called or atleast have my name written properly. You wanna call me Amal sure, send me a Clooney first. Now I took my oath when I walked into ISED where I was also trouble, to the Starfleet academy. The “kobiyashi maru” trope and test is Gene Roddenberrys understanding of the Kamagatamaru.
The man who saved his life in the war was lost to him. He was using these indicators to tell him “im looking for you man”. “bro you on this thing??”. So he wrote the character KHAN to find his sikh-muslim, muslim- sikh, punjabi?? Hindi English white HUMAN friend. I am the beauacracy of Canada. Call me Khan today.
Yes we like being paid. We are the ones who do the job of not being political. Women felt uncomfortable going to the pussy march until the guys were like- im going. If you called out the actual ROOT CAUSE and make an example out of the people we all know ARE POLITICAL AND COMMIT CRIME, we might have less FRAUD.
Why are there whistle-blowers? Because your not doing your job. Super sorry racism and sexism is bad for business economically. How many numbers and which fields do you want the FINANCE in? I, surprisingly, remember accounting also from my MBA. From Ivey. You had a Harvard grad equivalent person, extremely motivated, whose first words on the job were “im never leaving”. My father knew I loved this gig so much he left a message on a colleagues phone coz they had not set mine up.
You have one thing your interested in “whats her angle”. CLIMATE CHANGE. My angle is climate change. I am professional Greta Thunberg. We do standup and you hire the Greenpeace TERROSIT. They were a terrorist organization at the time.
You do this everywhere. People who have survived terrorism are living side by side by the people who killed people. Name 1 Prime Minister who is not recorded to say “Khalistan Zindabad”. Who do we report this to? Modi?
You are a nation within a nation. We don’t get to live inside this country. We live in our homes. Connecting to the world. Reaching to it as it reaches to us because you HATE US. She hated us. SDTC stood in the way of her obvious political ambitions. Which is who you helicopter into these things. She is the greenwashing queen of Alberta. I talked to her about innovation she gave me the book on the SAGD development.
Look im a world person. Coz you keep telling me to go back home at the grocery store, so im having a hard time dumbing down to your “Canadian Experience”. If the Auditor General cannot be a check and a balance on the government of Canada as demonstrated by my audit here, due to political interference at the highest level of its management, the entire report is a fraud.
I express to the general public, I was offered what I believe to be a veiled bribe after the acknowledgment from another fake account that they 100% prevented me from job opportunities and investments as a registered clean tech company in Canada. I am also a human being. But it is my status as a cleantech company they will value more. I demand to see the nature of the investigation as a cleantech company in Canada. In addition I formally request both clearance, and FOIP access to the process.
The Auditor General needs to be dissolved.
They have violated the parliamentary act because they refuse to acknowledged that bullying and harassment as experienced though the deportment of racism and sexism is not effecting the amount of money Canadians are spending and wasting in the government.
In addition by failing to provide a safe work environment for people based on race, religion, gender, language, or sex they have violated the labour code of Ontario and the charter of rights and freedoms- hello supreme court? what do you do?
As SDTC is a crown corporation, it is mandated by Provincial Law to follow the Ontario Human Rights act. Why r u not working? Oh wait- I think everyone went remote triggering investigations in EVERY Canadian province. Let them teach regulatory combat in the most boring schools in the world. Btw I’m pretty sure I’ve signed with US and Global funds. is anyone doing due diligence?
While I can make no such investigation happen on the Auditor Generals fine work, here is some more unpaid Indian work for why they impeached the act. I thought I wouldn’t waste all my Canadian Experience without applying it. I investigated how to get the Government of Canada investigated in 2016. Then it was sexual harassment. 6 women. Unfortunately not me.
So I did it. Whatever “it” is. I wanted to do it. I loved doing it. Ill do it again. I have no regrets of any kind.
It is not my intention like Mr. James Comey to cause political interference. However as a loyalist of the beauracratic process and the sanctity of applying the rules EQUALLY, it should be mentioned that both main parties are EQUALLY racist and sexist. Their brand identity is of no relevance to the investigation. They can say whatever they want. I just want it in writing this time.
I love regulation. LOVE IT. I read all of the regulations in the electricity code. You gotta go definition here, 4 other acts are referenced there. You need multiple highlighters. Colored pens. You need a Starbucks like the one in byward what goes from coffee to a very civilized glass of wine. Days can be spent on ONE PAGE.
What is your rush now? Lets slow this down. Have seat. Let us get our calculators. We shall discuss the legal language AFTER we figure our the legislative one. Fold SDTC into NRC? NRC is a hybrid organization because of Harper. We have a year for the election. Jagmeet Singh and I are both law ish people.
OH I don’t need ANYONE to worry about me. I have all the time in the world for this. why EARN money working and being productive when you can VOLUNTEER coz you are ethnic and be targeted by the people you are trying to help.
In addition I recommend the creation of a new agency. The Department of Government Efficiency. There is only one person qualified to run this office. Israr Ahmad. Whom I publicly hate. Therefore if we must speak to each other it will be for exactly as much time as I need tell him to shut up and read his email. I would like to see how Elon Musk competes with the Canadian team for a bit of healthy cross border competition. If Israr cant beat you ill tattoo your name on my forehead. You don’t even have to play by the rules. Israr is a jackass also. he happes to be a smart one.
im glad he recorded everything. good job man. they want to fry him for recording stuff? why? because they were embarrassed by what they said to him. dont be an asshole to us, log our actual complaints, treat us like human and maybe we wont record u without consent coz ur always lying. you lie to everyones face (HELLO INDIGENOUS PEOPLE) and then u act like we dont understand english.
do you understand our english now?
everyone on earth. get back to work and stfu