The aftermath: wellness check
I don’t know why but we know that cops have been used to scare women in Alberta alot. I’m not special.
No one talks about the person and what they go through.
It’s well known that I am autistic, I’ve disclosed it publicly. It’s like they designed the experience to destroy me as much as possible.
I’m obviously not going to try to work in etown again. But I don’t register feelings in the moment, I just have pain later on. So today I feel like I was physically beaten up. I can’t move.
My family is concerned. They are not concerned about my mental health. They live with me, they know I am always chipper and bubbly at home. But we have no power here. So they r scared of what it means to have become such a target. Obviously.
I am more analytical. Mathematical. I just don’t understand why. Let’s presume that I sent emails that seem erratic and ppl worry. If u worry u should call Ur friend. Or the person sending them. Someone did send me a cease and decist so I did.
It’s unorthodox but if you don’t educate people about it then how was I supposed to know? If you want me to stop talking but u say nothing how am I supposed to know?
Why would u do this to someone? We r nice people. We help the community. I was just trying to help with my own style. I feel like I am in a war zone.
I wanted to be a source of strength for my family. I studied hard and worked. Thanks a ton for making me feel like shit. And for this wonderful gift. I really feel all the love. It’ll take me days to be able to recover from the shutdown.
Whatever. Talking is like screaming in the abyss here. Atleast it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. This is just my public journal now.