SDTC: The reason WHITE PEOPLE in Canada need to decide what kind of white they are
its not a good career move to call out racism. not in a country that is run by them. but after the xxxth kids shoes you see outside a monument some people erected randomly ur heart bleeds a lil. the right kind of red.
Canadians think they can do whatever they want and then pay for the trouble. you cant. u can give money as restitution. but reconciliation starts with acknowledging you cant give that back.
how many investigations is the GOC going to make about money? does the GOC even care about people? she broke people. i had grown men in tears in my office.
“can we talk”
pleading to go elsewhere incase “she comes”
she never came to my side. if she knew how sdtc ran then i was unaware of it. she only relished causing pain.
what legitimate investigation can the auditor general claim to have done without the primary whistleblower for all 4 findings?
cover it up. all i can say is thank god its not real bodies. no one cares if the companies get the money or not. because clearly the companies do not care if the PEOPLE helping them r being terrorized if they are not white.
we dont like playing the race card. because then u play the terrorist card. we dont see you as white until you make damn sure we know we are not. just dont call the people who tried to help terrorists please. social justice if a community effort. and if ur not in our community now, then asking for membership in urs is asking to be tortured to death. while enjoying it.