Polymarket: Nate Silver and the crisis of masculinity today
Disclaimer: I don't know Nate Silver. Ive never learned anything about him and given the opportunity i would not shake his hand. I rarely make opinions like this about people, i dont care this time i know his work. he does not know mine.
I love superheros. And its not my fav origin story but it has the words i live by:
“with great power comes great responsibility”
so ya- i know math. i KNOW math. U take a man, a person, the complexities of billions of firing algorithms. entangled to itself, entangled to us all and u corner them. into the confines of a math that cannot hope to value why he runs into hell. why he lets other men beat him until he gets parkinsons for the amusement of people who reduce him to sports analytics.
so i mathematically take a fucking knee now.
we are not gladiators for ur sport.
kill each other. let us take bets on it.
are you fucking entertained?
Nate Silver’s pet project of reducing democracy to a fucking betting game haves about the same patriotism in it than.. to be honest no one comes to mind. Coz nate isnt selling America, he is selling democracy. some things should be valued more than the sum of the math he thinks he understands.
the algorithm is of no relevance. hes created a house of cards. and hes bet all of our future on it so a few ppl who can buy in can roast us on the way out. what does it mean to build an algo that predicts the likelihood of an electoral candidate winning based on the fact that the existence of its own self sways the election. are you stupid or STUPID.
the fucking answer to ur question is in the equation. its a kind of rookie mistake a white man makes.
but please fuck us, fuck the world fuck the nobility of things bigger than urself. reduce it all to nothing. leave no nobility on earth so when we all go out because his algorithms were shit last time and they are shit now then we can pat him on the back for building the greatest bombs ever.
two fuels emerge when nuclear technologies were being developed. the Plutonium/ uranium and thorium. one does not have the ability to create a meltdown. one can create a sustained nuclear reactor and the worst thing to happen in a fukishima is that it shuts down. no waste.
the second is nate. fuck ur math built to divide us not educate us.
im not into team sports. but i have competed in martial arts. i never threw a punch if i thought the competition was not able to take it. i waited till they composed themself.
Masculinity needs a come back
these are the men who created incels. incels. fuck him and his dick. he probably is part of that possie. he walks in, after having made sure that all women hired go through his department. so he can check out the merch. he hangs out at the gaming booth with that one with the outfit. shes hot. ill see u in a few hrs.
laughing at the economic impoverishment that compels women to make the decision to try and get a job.
pushing out men from the industry who would stand up for those women. whose character and class cant be contained in swiping left and right so ya- fuck u some men dont think women are disposable. fuck ur math.
if u and zuck needed the power of probabilities to make sure someone put out then that is who u r. the wrong standard deviation.
these men want to be above the rules for a simple reason. they cant rise to the occasion. u cant measure the pain of a man who lost his love because she did not get an abortion legally. u aint got that kind of heart.
thats just swap in swap out.
u dont understand the value of the number of people who get asked by kids- hey ur not my biological father but can u adopt me.
i hope ur in macao bitch. i hope u go out surrounded by bitches, gold, fucking Champaign.
dont ever walk into the piety of our ditch.
i know its hard to imagine i could have the same range of humanity without u quantifying it. consider me jed bartlet, consider urselves the gods u want to be. my dear men.
in the off chance that u read this. we can all learn math. try to learn some humanity? should we ever cross paths, just if u have the choice, coz i got zero clue what u look like, walk away.