Playing politics with lives- Canada today

4 min readOct 13, 2024


im not voting in this next election. its very personal. i have followed politics since i was a kid. my fav thing about turning 18 was it was an election year. and i got to vote. i was in old scona academic, and we were studying about canadian history.

i distinctively remember the climate then-

“these fucking indians” [natives]

i remember it uniquely because my pops is a peace officer. i love pops. and pops loves me. so every time he said a stereotype we had a fight. we fought because he was forced in an environment that was unhealthy to have an opinion to work.

and i am the extremely PROUD daughter of an air force vet who then served the canadian public. my dad is a vet X 2 Countries. my daddy is stronger than everyones daddy.

so i was going to make sure he knew what i knew. and what i knew is that

“where is the rest of the book on this”

we knew NOTHING about the indigenous experience. but i was forced once, as my dad was to question my own values and biases. was i wrong, was there truly a criminal element. is that possible even as a population? and my dad was forced to consider- i love her and she is very logical. maybe there is something else going on.

i won.

he and i agree- these people were screwed so badly, INDIANS have sympathy for them. this is beyond what has happened to slaves. what canada has done to the indigenous population is so many crimes to this day, that it puts the indian caste system to SHAME.

it is important to know that there are caste denominations in india to this day. however there is also a general climate of solidarity. so when the scheduled caste asked if they could start becoming sikh- and become singhs. that is a form of acknowledgement of the highest kind. we find safety in ur name, and we will pay the price of protecting others if you can give us the honor.

there is no such solidarity in Canada. there is not even a shadow of a soul. be ashamed. be very ashamed. for i am in Alberta and for almost a year and a half now i have tried to raise the alarm of a consistent, sustained attack on the lgbtq+ community.

at every level of government. to every newspaper. every possible anchor i could think of. i know who is doing it. they refuse to file the complaint. by refusing to investigate it. i have tried 2 times.

the first was through the canadian RCMP Terrorist line. they eventually started laughing me off the phone. the second is now again as i was either targeted by a scam or a government entity. while TD, CIBC and Scotiabank have all been fined for criminal activity, my bank account and crypto was intercepted.

alberta is about to go dracanian. my question for alberta- which bible?

show me the verse. which priest? which god? which christ?

i may be the shadow of the person i was when i began raising awareness about this cause. the cause of not killing innocent people. i make alberta and edmonton only one promise.

i will change the fates here. when i do, if anyone looks at the people from the lgbtq+ community wrong, we are playing MALE SOCCER rules. i will make sure to litigate you all into bankruptcy. i will use so many analytics to fix law, i will sue ur asses in public, private, super and supreme courts. i will desolate you like a white blood cell economically.

you want the APP from the CPP? eh PP?

u will be selling the leg to me to make up the money to pay me. i will own the entire city hall wtf happened to the citadel shit. u need a blockchain passport to get in. oh u r being geotagged.

we dont need ur police when we have private security. turban on. kripan ready. we dont need any guns we are the ones who DONT COMMIT CRIMES. we just need to get rid of “you” making the rules and there will be no crime. i will automate the charter of rights and freedoms.

i am very creative. i love the good wife. law — i like rules. of engagement. i like boring things. legislation is my fav to study. tech is a hobby.

by the time u implement these rules- i will be ready for court. khalinda meets alicia obv.

u want to use ur idiot laws to outlaw nature? u want to outlaw the kind of existence of a HUMAN BEING? so do i.

lets play. i am also all in.




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