Member-only story
on behalf of edmonton- fuck off
listen berta girl- i do not know or care about this cup- or the whatever “offs” are happening. u dont give a fuck about us. do dont be surprised that my crazy uncles end up in ottawa. they know how u treat ppl like me.
there are alot of places that ppl r from- but if ur from edmonton, it means either:
- u spent a few winters here
- u were passing through
dosent matter how long the time lasted. so i with 34 moves done- most in canada declare bs on many many things. toronto fuck u. ur pretentious as hell- unless ur on the east side, Toronto is an asshole. best way to survive? accept and fine a group. create ur own.
but if edmonton is hicktown then, then fuck u. i was from here when u pointed and laughed. we never did nothing disrespectful to no body.
fuck ur vanity. only we care- if u did it would not be this bad.
stanley cup message:
dosent matter anymore- u did a great job guys. we r all very proud. to wear the jersey. we were never divided until they hated how u united we became. we are also Kilgores millwoods. please come for tea. fuck the rest- our economy is our business, lets talk.