Mischief = the meaning of life

2 min readFeb 9, 2025

what is existence when when there is no such thing as time and e=mc²? what can it be but flux?

its not where we move its how we move through matter and light that makes us who we are. how does the beam of white refract in the prism of our own hope? what shades and what shadows does it show?

people are always sad when they decide to stop working on something. dreams are not stationary, dreamers only need a destination we know the way we walk. we just need an excuse for a stroll.

so life is to me nothing more than how i live it. how i choose to experience it in every day, in every moment. your reference point is not of relevance u cant move with me. only i am my matter, on i can exist in my energy.

so decide what ur life should feel like- what success should be experienced as and maybe its a lil of this and a lil of that and mostly all unpredictable.

dont worry about the big stuff. worry about the lil stuff. worry about the moments that never come back where you are right now. hold those. get the most from that. wake up in ur life, to ur life so that ur life was lived.

no one has the answer. so enjoy the mistakes ur bound to make. create. care. omg fucking care. care so much u cry. care so much there are things for which u will die. be dumb. love. live. make friends and change your mine.

and when things are bad. when u feel glum. remember there is also always a few ppl u can invite for nectar and rum.

dont be a bore. dont hurt others. u dont want to remember the pain u caused when ur laughing with others. u wanna remember how u persevered when raise a toast not who u hurt when u gloat.





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