Michelle Obama: The referendum on a gender

3 min readOct 27, 2024


She was right not to run.

She is not a politician. she is human. she echoes across time and forces us to stand still as we hear her say the notes, the chorus, the loud acoustics of a voice we wish we did not have to hear today.

there is only one policy question on the ballot today. on the ballot across the world today and it will be etched in the soul of our time. what other policy can possibly compel you to the polls now?

so lets all get man enough to ask ourselves the reason for this bullshit. for this double standard.

why the fuck did michelle obama have to tell every man to not want the women in his life dead?

she dosent have a potty mouth. i was raised on a shop floor. i started there.

why do men have to be reminded that we are dying? they r the ones killing us? is this you Call of Duty? this is the summation of your chill out time? so you never take the dishes to the sink. u never clean a fucking thing. and the fucking dishwasher can now die?

there has been alot of bull shit talk about the role of men in society. the fuck are the women doing here if u r so important? scientifically, men are no longer needed for procreation. they can engineer sperm in a lab.

this is what your jehovah witnessed in the kingdom of god?

a woman standing at a mountain top, screaming once into the abyss that is the culmination of ur hollow soul now. dont let them die.

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

i have no idea how men sleep at night. there is no threadcount that can comfort me after knowing a MOTHER found her DAUGHTER fucking BAKED TO DEATH in a walmart and canada’s heart is as cold as ice.

ya- women treat kids as disposable trash.

there is point in Michelle Obama’s speech when her voice raises when mine would have quivered. but then she is the one responsible for reaching back and pulling someone up.

they say she looks like a man. i have not seen a man in a while. but if that is what a man should look like then sound fucking good.

ya have high body count. dont raise those kids coz u cant earn the money. dont pay alimony and fucking dont give that lady any money for diapers.

ur churches make me wonder- if i was a pedophile today and i wanted to have comfy life, i would also become a priest. you rape kids in the day, drink the wine at night, and on sunday you mother fucking preach.

Harris could not have delivered that speech. you know its not a policy issue. she cant take an opinion or a position on her own fucking medical issues coz the highest office in the world demands that she — what? stop being a woman?

so she gets pregnant then what?

shes back at work in 2 fucking weeks with blood coming out of her “wherever”.

and what kind of man wants to teach her about strength? ur bullshit bla bla fucking world has made the heads of kids bigger when they are born. increasing the number of c-sections. meaning they have to cut a child out of the mom. u got a wrestler who had his abdominal muscles sliced to have a kid?

how long does it take to recover from that? u dont.

i am looking forward to dying. i want to meet ur fucking god. who left pedophiles in charge of his flock. i will wield the weapon in hell. rape some boys, teach em how to be men. hide the nuns. we dont need them anyway.

so ya- i hope Harris can deliver on the economy policy shit.

ps- if ur not too busy, mind checking the box that says “dont commit female genocide planet wide”.

we can put the dishes in the sink ourselves. we have to wash them anyway.

after 2024 there is a shorthand on knowing who u wanna be friends with. who did u vote for. and if u mansplain ur fucking policy, we will womansplain humanity in a more aggressive ethnic fashion.

sincerely wearing pink lipstick

all women on earth




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