Mayor of Edmonton: Platform for comment
My platform will have only one main guiding light:
Protect Edmontonians.
this foundational philosophy will guide all my actions:
Edmontonians: Are you in edmonton?
Protect: are you ok?
Policy Actions to Protect Edmontonians:
- Stop all fraud
- Stop people from getting hurt in edmonton
- people are people
- prevent climate change to protect edmontonians who have lives in edmonton. and experience weather.
- release all edmonton policies to the public. should we inspire an edit, it will be in our benefit to be edited.
Technology areas to be used to protect edmontonians:
- Telecommunications.
- Crypto- bitcoin
- search engines
- social media
- smart phones
- AI
sometimes you need fire to fight fire. so if we need AI to fight AI, then Amans Intelligence will kick the ass of all Artificial Intelligence. From here back to the valley.
they might have a bullet with my name on it. but i did not make the gun from which they can shoot it yet. I know the kinds of martial arts that have been banned in this country. by people who banned them first in my parents country. we will not have “yoga” on the hill. every woman in edmonton will get free self defense training.
the belt designation is: can you kick amans ass?
can justin trudeau box? please- can tom hardy do jujitsu?
this very scary martial artist from ottawa is my framily :
i am the tom hardy of edmontonian mayors.
i LOOK more like a brown lady you might know:
i am as impressed as her face is. and in dedication to her extremely inspirational run- the city of edmonton will pay for anyone who needs access to legal services to sue the city of edmonton.
my objective is to settle out of court. but in tech we have a ticketing system to indicate bugs in a software. if u raise a proper ticket, i used to do tech support for Bell Canada. all software deployed — i used to get called.
edmonton will have its own call center. and a liquid mineral oil cooled data server farm. fun with microgrids. inspired by the homeless people who are creating them. so that every person on earth understands that if the lights go out everywhere else, edmonton is awake.
i dont much know how immigration works on the national level, but on the local, we operate Romeo Dallaire style.
if he can shake hands with a devil for humanity, then so can i. and if he had ptsd and ended up drinking an sleeping on a park bench — then i will make the park benches heated. coz i dont judge a man by how he shows his pain. i respect how that the pain was earned.