Ive always shared my struggles with people openly. im not being generous, i need to brainstorm a solution. so i rely on ppl around me to help me do that job. and i feel incredibly awkward today because i received an email in which someone i admire deeply- introduced me to someone he admired deeply as his mentor. i gotta be honest- if im a fucking mentor- we are royally fucked now.
either way- in the spirit of who i am, i am going to share this story today. because it happened this morning. and this one is for all the fucking beta men, who think anyone is impressed with them. and to anyone who is ever struggling- i have an open door policy. u walk or text or smoke signal me — i need help. im done.
im coming out the door right fucking now with u. zero shits what was happening. i do not care- and i hope he takes this as a compliment- if fucking obama is in the room. u need help- code red. obama can help.
and only men ignore this. and ive been in rooms where i was stunned and i then walked back into the hall- where they turned away a battered woman who needed to make a phone call. at IVEY. so i knocked door to door with my blackberry to find this petrified woman and offer her a fucking phone call.
there is an omega in town now. and she is a bitch.