Justin Trudeau is terrorizing me because i am a climate activist.

20 min readDec 8, 2024


My name is Aman Deep Chahal. I am writing this public statement because I am feeling personally targeted by the PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA for alerting the AUDITOR GENERAL through my expert advocacy of the crimes committed tht are being investigated by the RCMP at Sustainable Development Technologies Canada.

I believe I was actively targeted after i went on the CBC to provide expert commentary and editorial advice based on my resume of working with SDTC directly and as the only person in the world who is the only published thesis in the world on the Climate Transition. As the author of the thesis:

I officially amend my title.

Engineering a climate transition: Case study the Electric Grid

As the expert who wrote it, the scholar who defended it, the project manager who tried to apply it, and the whistle-blower below no one is qualified to provide an opinion on the climate transition except for Leonardo DiCaprio.

I hereby declare that while Mr. DiCaprio is indeed a stated actor by profession, he is the only human being alive outside me who understand the actual challenges in the climate transition. It is because of his documentary on Calgary Alberta that I, angrily, disavowed his work because he did not know that a chinook was a localized weather pattern in Calgary. Everything else in this documentary is legit.

He is the only competition to my knowledge. because he did not have the luxury of reading my thesis. i wrote it to correct the problem after admitting that he was right. that is why i got the 3rd masters. to address regulatory challenges.

I further state that i am actively under duress. because the Alberta Premiere who most likely, used the Lethbridge police to terrorize SHANNON PHILIPS out of the Alberta NDP, has targeted me interdependently and politically. For being a member of the NDP party. I have stated allegiance to Mr. Nenshi.

I have loved him since the Calgary flood. I also had the great honor of being taken behind the scenes at the Calgary zoo when i was selling a DERMs microgrid software to ATCO. When they told me that Nenshi gave them the go ahead to put hippos in the bow river to save them and he would deal with it later. I thought he was the most adorable person alive. So when Heather Cambells team at SDTC was dissolved because Leah Lawrence didnt like her, and she was rumoured to be with Nenshi I was very glad because she was also fighting a very challenging struggle with cancer.

Ms. Lawrence had a way of getting rid of anyone who was in need of medical treatment. Almost everyone who worked directly with her needed therapy or is on mental health leave. That is why I said something about SDTC. Young people would meet me and start crying.

I was a professor at the time at the University of Alberta. It was the worst moment of my life when i realized that even though i did not want children, i had maternal instincts. I had a bit of a personality crisis. But i felt really bad that while i got RECRUITED out because my resume is that good, i didnt do more to stop LEAH LAWRENCE personally, from hurting more people.

I feel its odd that no one asked me why i did it. they assumed i was a terrorist because i know exactly the kind of people that Justin Trudeau chills with. And there is a good reason we have never crossed paths. i dont want to walk in ur streets. my people get shot by ur ppl for wearing hoodies. i am JESSICA JONES. I need a Luke Cage coz Justin Trudeau is involved.

in addition in the moment i found out, i made sure we stopped talking. because then i was obligated to report it crimes of treason and shit.

first why i did it. then my real opinion on the “justin trudeaus” of canada. the #meToo of academia. a war on experts by stupid white men. i will write it like a white man i like. they also dont want to talk to you. ya ugly.


I hated her. personally. i have no idea why anette took the fall. she did nothing wrong. she was made the chair. they knew fair and sqare. annette got FUCKED. i would have done the exact same thing. who approved it?

thats the point. who authorized it?

that person is incharge. so in engineering you do what? fix it. i tried to reach Mr. Trudeau DIRECTLY. to tell him, listen your going to lose the election, i know what they are doing in ALBERTA. Because as a professor i was researching AI. on twitter.

I wanted Leah. i dont fucking care about Justin Trudeaus crimes. I only wanted Leah gone. I 100% told Israr they would make it about money. It had nothing to do with money.

I decided to take revenge during a company meeting. David was gone. We lost our fucking cover. who knew how much a David can save the GOC. She needed a full time fucking babysitter. She was so ridiculously dramatic and mean.

She crocodile tear cries, HE IS IN THE HOSPITAL. they didnt get to him in time. coz like me he was a fucking snob. we would both end up in the most random fucking place in portugal. he was on a wine tour.

when zoe delivered me the news, and bear in mind at this point zoe hates me. HATES. and she was like dude u can leave. u dont need to be working right now. she knew we were like how she felt a father and daughter would be. she was in the parking lot. she pulled ziad out. they both agreed — TELL AMAN TO GO HOME. He is like family to her.

Leah was jealous. So was Carla. Carla started to fake having dyslexia. David found out coz he was trying to read my excel file and excel does not have spell check. he was a grammer snob like LISE. whom he also LOVED. He worshiped the ground she walked on. we LOVED rob. he was so good at his job, you have no idea. it was rob and me who got it efficent. he was so under utilized. so i would chew his brains out.

he had the most experience. he was a musician. sdtc was his day job. ottawa had alot of this. i was in the jazz circles there. im the back stage of the ottawa jazz festivals. all of them. my close friends are in a very prominent jazz group. they book. that was rob in his genre. that is how specialized the culture scene is there.

NATIONAL art center.

She stood infront of his effective children. Said, “if u have any questions do not hesitate”

and so help me god how she ripped Lise a new one is beyond my comprehension. I went to see her immediately after the meeting. as she was holding back fucking tears. and i said to her direct

“that was fucking uncalled for if u file against her, i am going all the way with you”

only Lise had the fucking balls to stand up to her. and she had a very hard time with a few personal challenges. That she should have been the CEO of SDTC was obvious to the fucking paper clip. who approved these?

they fired the HR director for trying. we BEGGED on glassdoor. Leah Lawrence was a very very serious criminal. i define criminal as someone who committed crime. terrorizing people that much is a crime.

so when Johnathan Kaida met me in a bar on whyte ave because i was already dealing with albertas leah. here. ur everywhere. he tried to befriend me. he knew people at OSA. The exact guy whose name he told me once asked me out for someone else. and i hated him. so i told kaida

“listen im not friends with those guys they were super fucking racist to me. but ill meet someone if ur claims hold scrutiny then im killing two birds with one stone. no crime”

israr reached out to me. on linkedin.

he is brilliant. and the moment he did i knew he was going to get hurt because he was MUSLIM. i was a professor at the university of albertas mechanical engineering department. i EARNED MY FUCKING JOBS. israr was cocky. he made stupid mistakes fooled with the confidence of age and one previous success. he took no advice.

the only thing i did was monitor him and go public. because i was scared the government would call him a terrorist and use it to win the election.

there is a moment on a call i hope he did record when he told me about a girl his brother met in the US from an app. she walks in wearing a hijab. guys like wtf? u dont on the pics. we dont like dating religious people.

she said, “listen its easier to wear the hijab so the gora feels like hes a good guy than to fucking do this normal so i wear it at work because im the diversity hire”.

and i told him if they make it about money, u r fucked.

i did not even look at the documents. i knew looking at them was a crime. i would have to report myself.

once it got to anette i was like — EJECT. i terminated all contact by scaring the shit our of israr. he would not leave me alone. i was experiencing a medical event that he did not have any experience with. he lied or misrepresented his skills. we had a PERSONAL FALLING OUT.

he is still a fucking genius. and he 100% deserve the canada pin thing. ive never seen someone work that hard. he should be a cop. he investigated every lead. covered his tracks. it was marvelous. i learned so much.

he is a stupid kid. but if he is not a billionaire independently in lie 2 years he will be the academic michael moore. he should be an investigative journalist. i have no idea why he is in climate transition.

i told him verbadum

“israr i want my name on this so bad i will wear any fucking hijab”

he laughed out loud. he asked me why

David Enns.

that was my code. hes dead and he cant sue me. the book is written in one sitting. it took me a couple months. i got smart weed from my man xaviar four20 capilano bitches. my weed guys become friends. stu is now giving me the hippie hugs. he just is like ya- we r done- ur not brown. ur me.

it was because of how lise was treated by leah lawrence in that one meeting that i made david a promise i never told him. u would change you mind and i dont have the heart to explain it. once you die man, im taking out sdtc.

i would only have tried to save 3 people. by trying to get them jobs. Elaine, Tom, Carla.

Hamid was dying to get carla at ranovous. she was so scared that she would violate a conflict of interest. white phd nortel. ran the fucking lab. so i got ranovous. she gave me all the physics files. she was writing an investment thesis. that is where i got the idea. they gave ziad her job. then they gave yi the one she should have had. they made her do it.

ALL THE TIME. they never compensated her. we were always late at work. i found it easier to write my thesis at work. so i would take my personal laptop. i LOVED my office. they gave me a lamp that lit up. they called it the batsignal. “shes still here”.

Allison Fabian was there for work. she would put in very long hrs. she was writing the manual for how to do the coordination with things like Alberta Innovates with a proper documented process. im dyslexic, so id know she was there. and i hated keeping her late. but i would walk over and tell her

“dude i know ur working but i need help to find this word can i explain it to you and then you can tell me what it sounds like”

she almost always took the time to accommodate me for my THESIS. once in a while shed say im super busy and id be like dont worry. sho is coming tomorrow.

if sho is not THE BEST TECHNOLOGY WRITER in the world then my name is not aman chahal. i called her “typey typey”. when sho wrote the announcement, i was the physics. she got dwave and general fusion in 15 words. the guys always made it complicated. to seem cool.

if erik and patrice tell you im an asshole then ask partice why he would come for “leah therapy” in my office.

“i just need to get away shes lost her mind again”

he could not say my name. we have ZERO reason to talk.

i started

“non sanctioned event”

i started drinking therapy for leah traumatized. by the time i left, if i sent an non sanctioned event, lise would come. she went to nothing. THEN and only THEN did rob come. and i maintain that i am indeed a hopeless romantic. i have INDEPENDENT knowledge that

rob loves lise


lise likes rob

so i have no idea why they are not dating each other. in my private life, they are the cutsey rom com here. rob walked lise when lise rode a bike. mmhhmmmm. they left at the same time. rob left because lise got the bill.

by the end everyone else was bitching about leah and atleast rob walked lise home in the dark. i have asked her all the time if she is dating him. she says no. and im like why hump anyone when u like him!

so from those of us who survived leah, she was bitch to work with. she terrorized everyone. she was worse than the governor general. who i confess, seemed very nice to me when i crashed the accelrator conference that was held at the museum of natural culture? history? the one with the great indigenous thing on the gateau side. i made her sign a book about startrek. she wrote a funny quote. i remember the evening exactly, i came a big under-dressed. i did so because i love talking to people about physics.

but when nerd physics men see a nicely dressed person they get uncomfortable. they dont talk to the “suits”. sandra commented on the state of my clothes. i walked in and once i got the autograph i joined a group to discuss extremely strange physics reaserch and had the opportunity to ask a person about the higgs boson. i still dont know what he said. he was very sorry that the explanation was so simple. ive been trying to understand it since then.

leah was racist. leah was sexist. leah was a bitch. and the government i guess is super racist at this level, i thought it would be about money.

because they didnt let me earn any since i did it.

that is because the kind of surveillance they put on me, caused me many medical events for 12 months. i continued to express that i could actually feel the EM load of the wifi. because i am medically diagnosed to be autistic. type 1.

what that means in layspeak, is that everyone is on a spectrum. but when u have certain co-morbid conditions you need to be certified to have them so you can get medical accommodation. all autistic people can feel em waves.

i am willing to submit to an interrogation. legally. i will furthermore wear a lie detector. however u should know those do not work. the technology is not sound. but i will even agree to take a truth serum. i would prefer this because then the criminal code of ethics applies. i will no longer be subject to elon musks idea of human rights and their loosey goosey application. i want the geneva convention applied to my treatment. that is why i indicated i was asking for how to apply for asylum in the USA from canada due to political reasons.

Mr. Trudeau i do not want ur job. i would not disgrace my ass by sitting in the same chair.

i can feel the em waves. its hurting me. i got my revenge. my only problem is that by the time this happened i was unable to execute my final act.

therefore to any good Samaritans who know where she is. please purchase 12 white roses. put a 13th red one in the middle. the bottle of wine that should accompany the bouquet is a 2014 cabernet franc from a vineyard at niagra on the lake. the owner is known to the organizer of the prince edward county cheese festival. he was going to off the books give me a case when he was in toronto. i misplaced the card. the cover has a yellow and green motif.

please send it to Ms. Lawrence ANONYMOUSLY

the card should read only

“From Data Scientists Everywhere”

because when she fucking fired sho for no reason i was recruiting at opus one. and even hari felt bad for her. hari i liked coz he was a hustler. i hated that he acted smart. it made him stupid. that he committed crimes no one gives a shit this is canada. man is also from sri lanka. not a tamil tiger. normal dude- surprised at how much crime is legal. why not?

i was inspired to not be a model minority by him. why fucking not?

diana was scared of her. jen was totally being abused. melissa did all the work and got shat on by zoe. they were a fucking nightmare. they were the nuns who killed the kids.

so if israr had the docs. and he was willing to go all the way, i was not going to let the man get killed. he was the most patriotic person i have ever spoken to. i hope he runs for pm. i hate him. i never want to talk to him again. he is not a friend. fuck israr. but professionally he should be running the fucking COUNTRY.

if jagmeet singh steps down and israr ahmen is made the leader of the ndp. or elizabeth may vacates the role to let mr. ahmad take leadership. i will fucking run the campaign. i dont need to like him to work with him respectfully.

he did the right thing. i felt so terrible i waited because when he told me what they did to kids it was devastating. when my first articles are published on the linkedin page they reported and had shut down — 26 yr old women are writing to me:

“ omg thank you so much for saying something — she put me in a manic episode.”

she fired u for needing medical help. because she had no idea that she was that violently harassing people. she took their pain and distress to be about us not being good employees.

omg she is a sociopath. someone needs to so a psychological test on her. she is not a normal person.

israr was so impressed i did it, he would have random ppl talking about me. i told him i dont want to know any more names. i had to consult Kevin. he tipped me off without making a single infraction of the rules.

i considered his “lets have coffee” to be

“hey how are you do you know me? i am a person.”

i NEVER spoke to kevin. he was doing sdtc a favor by stepping into davids shoes. he barely had time. ppl were expecting him to be david. david was a bleeding heart. he loved talking to people. kevin would like dude the fuck do u need im busy. hes from DND.

he sent me an email personally.

“lets have coffee”

and i looked at it and thought

“fuck why?”

i sent it to shannon immediately.

“what the fuck is going on how does he even know me?”

shannon and i were bffs. the greatest loss to me is the loss of that one friendship. we r framily. when i did not come to the gym for the first time after resigning, she had a full breakdown. diana alerted me. i was at my home in the market. i ran over.

she was in the bathroom. she looked at me and pretended to be fine and i said

“give me ur keys now”

diana was going to drive her. i said fuck no.

i drove her home, went in, made sure she ate something and stayed till i was convinced she was ok.

similarly when i moved to toronto, i had a similar breakdown. it is the only time i have moved and i hated unpacking because i wished she was there. i got bao from next door, a bottle of wine and i got twizlers from the shoppers drug mart. vitamin t. kevin knew.

he never said anything.

for the stated public record. Kevin is not involved. i did not even let israr talk to kevin. i made sure israr felt that Kevin was an asshole. i knew everyone would call him that.

last i checked the bitch is at harvard. biding her time at the kennedy school. for policy. she had a rep for not liking women who have kids.

she had all these fucking stupid rules. she would find the dumbest expert and then ask my opinion to sound smart. i cant make flat earth smart.

she sat in my office, while i am the one doing all the data scicne work, you can verify that shit from Sheila who she promoted to a job i built. i told shiela and zoe what the analytics problems were in CALGARY. while doing DD for the round when David Enns had heart failure.

The DD is attabotics. i was training sven and tom was in his “marathon training”. tom got into these wierd moods and he would kind of have a panic attack. we were at dennys? and im looking at tom, sven is like wtf, ziyad is looking at me, “i think ur doing this dd aman” and THEN zoe comes in.

and ziyads face was done.

i stood there like

“ok so what is the news”?

only heart failure.

what does that mean? my father has had heart conditions. so has my mom. what was i going to do at the hotel? cry? i dont know anything. i do emergency. so i did the smart thing and went in. tom did a great job. in addition tom grew to respect me the most. so did david whom i took to the top of the peace tower. when his father who was an airfore test pilot lost his life in a test flight for a C130 Hercules aircraft. i had just learned the peace tower had a book and every year the pages are turned. his dads name was coming up. i loved being in that building. the library is my fav.

charly loved me. russ loved me.

they all came to me. i hated her alot. she knew i was davids fav. she couldnt do anything. i was immune from being fired. i was that legit.

whatever the fuck crimes justin trudeau is doing- i dont care. i went to school with people like him, they were presidents of old folks homes in which old people died and we found out how badly poor old white people are being treated by the system.

we have had exactly one elder person need to be in that level care. only my mom and i could visit. she was only happy when we came. its that bad. ive never been in a place that bad. that day i decided to make enough money so my parents die at home. my mom is dying in her bed. i will be there for the whole thing. as she was with hers.

because ya she is a chronic sick person but canada fucked her medically. im in charge of her medical issues. ive had to take her to india because the canadian system is so horrible that indian specialists who are making millions of dollars as real legit surgeons have never seen damage like that.

so justin trudeau can — this is my private opinion as a citizen and not as climate change transition expert- fuck himself. hes high school english teacher that bought the canadian election years ago.

i dont care if billionaires bought it.

this is my official opinion on world events.

is jason calacanacis — THE ONLY MAN ALIVE I KNOW OF- the person who accidentally hit a dog on the way to a party with his wife, who stopped the car, picked up the dog and spent the fucking night in a doggie er. with his beautifully dressed wife who BOTH decide the better thing to do is to pay 20k to save that dog, then take care of it so much that the dog is confused when jason gives the dog a good home, if he is in possession of any part of the white house then i accept designation as the 51st state of the united states of america.

if jason is on the job, then i think everyone should be fine.

i study originals. jason is not an original. at all. he is the beating soul of everyone's consciousness. he is what connects us to innocence. truth. honesty. the desire for equitable justice. he is pained exactly right by the things a good person should be pained by. he was raised right. loved properly. like me.

“omg did i hit a dog? oh no!! is he going to die!! we have to do something, is there a hospital for vets? omg google something!!! its hurting!! no i cant go u can go i have to see if the dog is ok. we cant leave it here, itll go to a shelter ill just take care of it. i cant keep it we need to find it a better home. should i ask for the money? omg who cares the dog is fine”

the ONLY time i almsot got a dog was bailey. he had been traumatized by a trudeau type. i was studying in ottawa and had no money. and i was like dude, stop hurting the dog. i had someone ask the owners if i could adopt him. he only came to me by the end. dogs have a thing.

Jason felt so bad he hurt something innocent by accident he made amends. to a dog. that is the caliber of the 0.03%. that is our side.

if david sacks is going to be the AI advisor. then im all in on that shit. she did win. all 51 states. legit. they did not need the electoral college. we are talking BILLIONAIRE money. now that the election was bought is obvious to even nate silver. that the american people wiped the floor with his ass was beautiful to see. When Elon Musk goes to jail for cutting this deal, he will never be able to travel to any other country again.

i dont know if Ms. Harris is infact the actual president elect. but it seems kind of pointless to pretend that DONALD TRUMP or JUSTIN TRUDEU are now in charge.

our side started “ALL IN”

if jason is playing at this table, i care zero about global politics now. as long as i am not incharge. i am going back to fucking engineering.

i was called a UNICORN person. by a man who shits more climate policy legit than most certainly leah fucking lawrence. Anette should not have been made to resign like that. the person who is approving all this shit should be fired.

btw i am a brown chick so i am going to be very careful in how i say this because the goc is being weaponized against me coz i hated leah lawrence. i hate alot of people. i hate ben afflek. she fucked his legacy with argo. i hate mindy kailing. she never plays a role i can relate to and she is hilarious.

so let me be clear so im not in need of understanding the legal definition of fraud.

that people are sick and tired of the elites, elites meaning people who thing that the rules should not apply to them coz they are better than the rest of us NOT rich people or obamas, the trudeau-types is evidenced by people bow writing message on bullets and shooting them coz thats all they can do. now i dont condone murder — how many death attempts have been made on Mr. Trudeaus life personally?

i understand the power of a black man like luke cage wearing a hoodie with holes in it. because every fucking black man has bullet proof skin. when u get beat alot u develop callouses. hurts less. that guy- how many lives did he save? i advocate for reduction of the most harm. she was a bitch plus sdtc was a waste of money. in addition it held back the paris accords.

the fuck do you want me to do lie? i called it out in 2018. to her face. MANY TIMES. she could not fire me. ised was involved. i knew everyone on the legit side. if she fired me, the minster of fucking ised was getting involved. Navdeep Bains was known to Hari. the fuck else reason did i have to go to a political joint? I hated working for hari the first time. i needed cover. hari is also a bastard i hate. but he was the bastard on my side. so i also give zero fucks if they committed crimes. ur forcing people to resort to vigilante justice. and ur mad we dont like being oppressed by u.




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