sometimes we look at the world and we just cant fathom how to make a change. its so overwhelming to look at the odds and say — i cant do anything here. even if i wanted, im just one person.
some part of that is that it is alot, and some part of that is that, it feels like alot. and the truth of the matter is, the only way to get what u want is to do it when ur scared. ur always going to be scared.
i wanna tell u that there is this magic moment when the fear melts away. when the stars align and on the 6th moon of the 7th house of bla bla bla- the answer is now. right fucking now. u want something- close ur eyes. tell urself u want it. deep breath. acknowledge ur scared. and then say — i still want it.
and then come what may- dont stop.
if ur not the majority, if u violate the homogeneity of the current world order. dont flinch. they r going to throw everything at u. every law, every threat, every attempt to shut u down. do not show fear. it dosent matter if ur feeling it. they do not fucking care.
they want u dead. and they will go to any length to do it.
im not going to lie. im not hopeful. i think this ship has sailed. our collective inaction — our stagnated fears have brought us to the edge of extinction. and we wait. for someone better to come. we wait for…