I am Canadian and I am NOT nice

9 min readNov 30, 2024


My reasons for embracing the ethnic woman trope

Ya fuck u too.

Canada has a problem, its foundations are built on unsteady ground and now it has termites. You cant hide from your past. I learned this as a person and we are now learning this as a nation.

Canadians, sorry “Canadians” seem to have a very particular idea of how to value real work done by people of color. Not. Where is the place of a brown woman? in a landfill in Manitoba.

Honestly i dont even like EDI or diversity bull shit. I dont like it for the same reason i never checked the box on an application asking if i was a woman. i have a unisex name, i got my jobs legit.

That is the point. This phenomenon is the defining principal of Canadian business today. Before we look at why we have this issue lets look at the evolution of Equity, Diversity bullshit in Canada.


wtf is that?

How is diversity relevant in Canada? So Canadians can look at a pie chart and say “look i have an ethnic friend”.

Ya assholes? im not ur friend. I didnt get the credentials with a brown lady mark down i got them with a diversity mark up. Ethnic women in Canada make up both the most educated and the most underemployed group. Because everyone wants to hold us down.

The reason is simple, a white guy will hire another guy. nothing is more universal than the “locker room” hire. And the white guy has a white wife, who wants to pretend to be a real professional. So once the white dude hires his friends he sends his management wife the papers in HR to sign.

Why formalize diversity hires? Why do any of this BS around EDI? Why cant white Canadians just work properly with non white people? Why does an intelligent woman of color offend them? Who knows and who the hell cares.

They formalize these systems because then they can game them. And the rest of us who deserve the jobs based on merit are locked out of paying gigs coz “omg they r being so nice”.

fuck ur nice, pay me industry rate.

North and South of the border people like Randy Boissonnault just make some BS up about their “indigenous” roots and get the “perks”. that is what they think generations of people who were effectively eradicated are getting, perks. Ya burn down black wall street and then blame black people for not being more prominent on white wall street.

we havent seen this movie.

Which is worse? the white lady or the man?

who knows??

The last 3 years of my life have been the most productive in terms of work product and the least paid. Why? because white ppl say whatever they need to get you to do free work.

“i love you”

I got news. If your a white woman and you say “i love you” to me i am going to punch you in the nose. If your a white guy and you tell me im smart, similar punching might take place.

you know what im not? fucking paid.

how much is ur love worth? how much is my skill worth?

Why is white canadian BS a national security and an economy wide problem?

because supremacy makes you a moron.

dont take my word for it. here are a few WHITE DUDES who won shit saying it:

  • Clayton Chirtensen
  • Daniel Kahenman
  • Malcolm Gladwell
  • Adam Grant
  • Adam Smith
  • Douglas Hubbard

How many white guys do white ppl need to hear from? Coz the rest of the world knows real english, ur english and then a few other languages. and you only think you dont have an accent.

How do safeguard a country when the only ppl you assume are good actors beings with their color? You dont. you have the Canadian parliment infiltrated by russian agents.

How do you do innovation in a country where only white ppl get the money to innovate and they assume they are the best allocators of that wealth?

you dont. u have Canada today.

What global advantage does Canada have today? for whom?

we got a bunch of US/ Cad dual citizens who can be agents for russia.

they also get easy access to the US so in case you wanted an agent for hire check out the whose who of the Canadian parliament:

Please note this analysis was done on a visual metric only. It is likely that NWT is not a white male however to maintain the standardization of the process, assuming a Graphical AI was sorting me, I kept the same process.

Amazing. 84% of the parliament is represented by White individuals. 70% of the parliament is represented by men.

how does this impact innovation and the economy?

Lets take the example of cleantech by using the case study of SDTC:

This is a breakdown of SDTC’s hiring chart:

The miraculous thing here is, where the hell did they find that many white people who understood STEM? From the board down you can see that the “diversity” quota is being used to diversity wash the fund.

OBVIOUSLY. the CEO and her second in command were expert greenwashers in the oil and gas industry.

Walking into SDTC was exactly like working for Deeptech Canada. You get the “omg your so smart” bs. You teach them the discipline and then some other white woman takes the credit.

I mention racism as a predicating bias here but an honest evaluation of companies requires one to be pragmatic about basing the bias relative to the people in charge. so lets take a look at what innovation Ms. Lawrence brought to her racism.

Now i have been a real engineer and the first, most obvious question here is — where did all the women come from?

The age of the board is easily 50+, at my age 40+ the demographic breakdown of women in engineering is not 50%. i graduated in a class with 19 women and 250ish guys. Clearly Ms. Lawrence had a bias to hiring women. specifically white women.

how many WHITE WOMEN do engineering?

before SDTC folded this was its current demographic breakdown based on color, sorry “diversity”.


Let me pretend to not be as stupid as one must be to understand this data.

Cleantech is:

  • a global market
  • predominate sales in the global south
  • first customers around the equatorial region

let me assure you this board does not know how to evaluate doing sales with people of color. they dont even know how to work with them.

How disproportionate this looks is not an accident. this is by design. once again lending to the conclusion that Ms. Lawrence, and ISED by proxy is completely happy with just enough “diversity” to get by.

so, surely this organization is run with meritocratic individuals who offer some sage advice? what is the experience of these executives?

The entire organization was supported by a handful of individuals at the lowest levels. individuals who never got paid overtime. who always got over-ruled. what possible expertise were brought by a board and executive leadership that was all CANADIAN?

what is Canada most known for? NOT cleantech.

so what happens in an organization that restructures every 6 months?

Everyone there was less than a few months on the job. What advantage did this give Ms. Lawrence? no one had institutional memory of how the organization worked so she could hire whomever she wanted.

I think she, Danielle Smith and Donald Trump must have the same policy advisor.

So all the people who did the work, who highlighted concerns and knew what was going on were in cirical function jobs. the least empowered roles. in addition the moment anyone said anything they were fired.

not only were they fired, if HR logged a complaint, HR was fired. for most of Ms. Lawrence tenure there was no HR.

Its vital to understand that while we are looking at SDTC specifically the same can be said for the former Governor Generals office under Julie Payette.

Julie Payette terrorized her staff. She became the Governor General because once again, Mr. Trudeau is a famous feminist. Why was this a terrible idea?

Ms. Payette was an astronaut. Her “normal” working environment is “if you open the window we die”. What kind of leadership skills does she have to manage people? She is trained to fix a space shuttle in 0 gravity, while speaking in multiple languages. She knows many things, “feelings” are not one of them.

fear not- we are getting to the good math.

if you were a real trouble maker and tried to do some good you were fired one off, however every “restructuring” came with bulk layoffs. I count 3 main till about 2018 when we saw, what many now call the red wedding.

Pay attention to the number of seasoned people that were fired. there was no standardization at SDTC. entire departments were fired. the statistics guy was fired for not having the “nice” statistics.

This is the chart that reveals Ms. Lawrence personal bias. More men are fired in most waves than women. Alot of very very smart men, who are white, were fired in the first wave or elected to leave due to the corrosive atmosphere she created right after.

most of these gentleman set up entire groups for cleantech in the companies they went to.

Ms. Lawrence hated sharing the spotlight. And she hated appearing to not know what was being discussed. therefore she got rid of everyone who knew anything more than her. diminishing the organization to her lack of experience rather than elevating it by being inclusive of all voices.

lets take a second to consider the question of what “diversity” means here.

men are also human beings. fundamentally flawed and extremely irrelevant in most situations but not entirely devoid of the ability to reason. infact some could argue that there are more male engineers than women. those of us with engineering degrees would all concede to this.

why were these extremely qualified men fired?

why did Ms. Lawrence like having ethnic women around?

There are more white individuals who lost their jobs than non white in the first few waves?

let us presume men are more “privileged” as such more confident. more likely to say when something is wrong if they feel so. then these are the people most likely to have edited Ms. Lawrence. Who boo hooed her way into firing them.

the number of extremely qualified and educated white men who she targeted was extremely impressive.

how much experience was walked out the door?

there were people who helped build the organization that were walked out. in the initial wave ppl with almost 8.5 years of experience in cleantech were walked out the door so Ms. Lawrence could impart her wisdom.

so what wisdom was there to impart?

how much of the organization did she make in her own image? all of it.

Bias is a poor way to make economic decision.

in engineering they teach us to write down our assumptions before starting a problem. the reason is simple, dont leave anything to chance. the human brain is incredibly stupid. accept the fact that it is dumb, create processes to make smart choices.

the reality is that Ms. Lawrence, as with everyone in the innovation economy, in the normal economy, anyone paid or paying today knows that people of color have no power.

so they “love us” into poverty.

companies like SDTC are an example that individuals who are building organizations like Deeptech Canada should look at more carefully. because friendship is not what builds great companies. honest engagement is.

Perhaps these institutions get away with it for a period of time. perhaps like SDTC it takes 22 years for the rot to take over, the choice Canadians need to make is if this is really how they want to be perceived in the world.

so if they choose to be nice- i choose to be ethnic lady trope. pay me of ill see in the court of public opinion. ive dealt with enough investigations in Canada to know — they are all just being misunderstood and i should not have taken it so personally. i didnt — i took it financially.




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