I am a Supremacist

5 min readDec 24, 2024


Its true. i should out myself first. i knew how to study supremacy because i am one. and im dying to tell you about it.

only one person will ever know the magnitude of supremacy i claim- that person will be the person who found my iron ring in the intake manifold of a jet engine on the 2nd floor of the 1970s mechanical engineering building at the University of Alberta. the ring must be found before they tear it down for gentrification. and i hope the person who found it is a janitor with a phd in astrophysics. the only other degree i ever wanted was a phd in astrophysics.

Mechanical engineering is the supreme engineering. All other engineering are the bitch of mechanical engineering. For the analysis we must first establish what the real disciplines of engineering are.

  • Mechanical
  • Civil
  • Electrical

The following “engineering” are not real:

  • Software (if u cant learn to code on ur own, u cant be an engineer. If you only know one language- wtf is that? if you cant understand how the efficiency works from C to C++ to then HTML, js and python and you use no code coding- u r an art student. study a real thing. like philosophy. u might have a chance at getting a job, unless ur a white man, then i guess ur an “engineer”)
  • sorry im blanking there is no other engineering.

and from women in all engineering schools to everyone else- the odds were good, the goods were this odd:


Now technically this was the only other engineering i could have done. I am extremely visual. so this was an option. but they had the dumbest physics. in addition they didnt use it.

what is civil engineering?

“oh we only need xyz to hold this building up for this rated weight?? just add more coz we are too dumb and cant trust our work”

the end.

when the nanotech center was being built next to the mechanical engineering building that is scheduled for demo, so it can be rebuilt because the university of alberta has that much money and no idea what to do with it, so now they just break the buildings to stand new ones so alumni can put there names on it, i watched the foundation be laid.

they had to uncouple the lab and isolate the whole fucking basement so no vibrations could cause an accidental nano-scale vibration. they had to settle the foundation in the permafrost so it would never move. it took almost a year to lay the foundation of that building. u can explode shit in the materials lab next to that building and a nano particle will not fart.

so i like to know how things move because then you understand how magnificent they are when they are very very still.

in addition, when the civil engineering building went up at the university of alberta it was accompanied by a new quiet study space. all my friends told me i would love it. in 15 minutes i spotted the error on the formula they had on the outside so they could tell themselves they knew physics. i could never look at that building again.


now this was interesting. and in my 3rd year i took my first EE course. as per usual i took my seat in the front row. and as per usual no one sat next to me from my friends who were waiting for me to let them know if i was going to study in this class or just come for attendance and teach it to them later myself.

the professor drew an x-y graph.

he titled the x axis “imaginary”

the next class i sat in the back row and asked my best friend if i could doodle using her pretty gel pens.

the axis is not imaginary. the prof did not know how to explain the math.

I am the supreme mechanical engineer.

because in my 3rd year when the prof was tired of me asking him for clarifications on how he was proving the bernouli equation, on the second floor classroom that i often had to leave because i was prone to bouts of laughter- he was annoyed. because i could barely make it into the concrete stair column before bursting out laughing and every other student also started snickering.

said professor did not know the math needed to explain how the air separates from the tip of the wing of an aircraft because he was from the oil and gas sector. now i wanted aviation so that was a little important for me to know because the university of alberta did not have a bull shit aviation engineering degree that is the same as a mechanical engineering degree but the exams for testing the physics are done on planes.

so he told me i didnt need to know it. because i would never be doing anything that advanced.

so i went to rutherford library in the middle of the day, i went to the 7th floor where the math books are, and i fell asleep teaching myself the math. they locked the library with me in it. i had to get a janitor to find a security guard. that is when i started to find the keys to the various buildings so i could get in and out of a good study space.

all but one. ETLC. because when i walked up to etlc, the janitors opened the door. in return i would often help them carry the bottles that were thrown into the recycle bin that the university does not recycle to their cars. so they could drop them off at the bottle depot and make some money.

they also had university degrees from the phillipines.

there comes a time when people at the edges of knowledge find themselves not doing advanced particle physics at cern that they trained for. ppl who can speak fluently with people like tim berns. people how study hawkings for fun. and when those people look around to the world they find themselves in, they find it hard to belive it.

so before they speak they run experiments. they run the kinds of experiments they once ran on

  • femlab
  • matlab
  • proengineer
  • inventor
  • ansys

and then they find themselves horrified. so they tell themselves its not possible. they wail. they write in their own self and say it cant happen. they set out to disprove themselves for their own sake. so then they:

  • learn how a computer is built
  • learn the physics of every component
  • imagine the abstractions the they needed seen in gear ratios
  • build a computer
  • learn html
  • css
  • python
  • js

then they get upset. because it only took them 2 months. so they design experiments. the kinds of experiments no one gets ethics approval for. so they dont bother.

then they study the world around them.

and they cannot believe it. there must be a 1% deviation. they beg the cosmos for one statistical anomaly to beseech the world for hope. so they leave the confines of their experiment and they go searching for hope.

12 months later on Christmas eve they finally must acknowledge their own findings. they are forced by math to accept the truth.

there is no statistical deviation in only one kind of scientific conclusion. and they must postulate the first:

  • human law of supremacy

let no man ever understand this work. for it would mean a woman failed.




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