How to survive a wellness check
ok I’ve had two. Ppl r always worried about me.
First and foremost there r two types of these. In one Ur seeing cops with guns. In another u see like normal ppl.
The first time I had nice ppl. They were not cops. They said so. I ask alot of questions. The rules are:
Ask for the badge number. Write it down. If it’s a cop they have to give it to you. If not they say they don’t have one. But then they r super nice because they know u r super scared to see officers. So if u have the good ginger I yelled at, they ask their nice cop friends to check in again so u feel like the officers will protect you.
If they r good. They sit down and let u rant. They don’t care what u r saying. They know that u r super stressed, so they just sit there and let u rant. Then they decide if u r a risk to urself. Or anyone else in the house.
If u r a risk then I have no idea what they do. If u r at risk from someone else, then they ask a good cop to do a follow up so u feel the cops r on Ur side.
Those cops write everything down. They r TRAINED to interrogat u. Or interview. They slow u down, they ask for more information, they ask for explanation etc. Good ppl, they do a walk around Ur house so u feel safe, they compliment u also so they don’t seem scary. They leave a friends.
The second is scary as fuck.
They come in, disrespect Ur customs. They r trying to prove a point. Don’t focus on them. U have to survive this.
- Don’t freak out, do not show any emotion
- Let them say whatever.
- Let them interrupt you.
- Apologize when u try to answer a question and they interrupt you, and then call u argumentative.
- Just say “sorry, my bad I’m bad at explaining this”
- If they tell u that they think u r crazy or bipolar, do not react.
- Ok sir, I must be coming across Wierd. I’m sorry.
All real first responders for mental health checks know that telling someone they r crazy is the best way to put them on the DEFENSE. It’s a natural human thing to want to defend urself when you are being attacked. Just say my fad I guess I have more language issues than I knew. Ask for accommodation if u can.
8. Take the badge number. Gun=badge.
9. The next day, send a compliment to them online to record it.
This is up to u, but record something and out it online. Go talk to a few people so they can be witnesses that u seemed normal for what happened. Tell someone what happened.
And it’s ok. They can’t draw a gun on u unless you start to get aggressive.
Just survive it. Die another day.
Not all cops r bad. But not all cops are good. And they can be any color or any gender.
Assume worst case. Hope for best.
Thanks Coates for letter to my son. Sorry man. Me too. Wish we were honest in brown houses. They scare the women by showing them Ur male friend can’t help or we shoot, they scare the men, we can do this to her, understand?
Good luck world! I will miss u! But I don’t love you more than me. I’ll be at the after party.