feministFront: The white mans evolved crusade
It was initially the Church that launched the crusades on the earth. Sending their massiah’s in black clothes and white collar.
those crusades evolved into slavery. the evolution of slavery has manifested Adam Smith’s worst nightmare. Adam Smith postulates in the Wealth of Nations that any society that forms a Mercantile system, similar to one he was inspired by on the Silk Road, would fail if it was built upon slavery.
In an inspired move, once the United States abolished slavery legally, they created a system in which Slaves, “workers”, would pay their en slaver taxes. The idea of taxes predicates itself on the notion that the “Government” is providing communal goods and services for which we all pay to combine the impact.
However, any reading of modern day economics and social society lends to the only conclusion that the White Slave Owners have now made it mandatory for the Slaves to pay them for the privilege of enslaving us.
From law enforcement to any and all government services. From government jobs to any progress in the formal economy, there is only one consistent message that the working class has learned. The proletariat must rise against the bourgeoisie.
In order to understand the ramifications of the current moment in history, we must first go back to understand the historical context of how the “white race” is born. In addition we must analyze, without prejudice or malice, what the impact of British colonization and the Church has been in enshrining the idea of a “Supreme Race” as the White Race.
No other race claims any form of supremacy. In addition, no gender identity but cis male claims any form of supremacy. The over abundance of self proclaimed supremacy has had cataclysmic waves of destruction spread out into the world. It is time we began to recognize the value and damages that are caused by this form of arrogance.
White Race:
For the purposes of this analysis only, the “white race” is defined to be members of a race that looks white, that deports on the behavior that their physical whiteness gives them a form of inherited nobility over all others. In addition, since the function of supremacy is to crown someone the “supreme”, in all forms of supremacy men will end up at the top of the biological food chain. Because they are physically stronger due to evolutionary realities they chose not to understand.
The Church:
For this analysis “The Church” is defined as any and all forms of organized religion that takes any leadership from the Pope. It is incredibly important to distinguish that Christianity is a form of a religion, but the Vatican is the last Kingdom on earth that has been allowed to influence decisions as significant as the shape of the planet. The Vatican has held back the advancement of scientific knowledge since Galileo said the earth was a sphere. The Church had him burred in unconsecrated ground as a heretic and then in 1992 agreed that the earth was a sphere.
The Church:
It is incredibly awkward in this day and age to speak with honesty about “whiteness” or the Church without inviting a large amount of hate. Especially as a woman of color. It is for this reason alone that I disclose that I have been a practicing Atheist since the age of 13. I arrived at my conclusion that “God” does not exist after studying Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam and several forms of Martial Arts, Karate and Tae Kwan Do.
I then ensured that my conclusions were accurate during the ages of 22–26 by adding to that theology and expanding my understanding of religion to Buddhism, Jehovah Witnesses, Taoism and Jainism.
After studying the manuscripts and books that formulate these religions, I then engaged in conversations with practicing religions individuals, attended their churches and spoke to several religious institutions. My conclusions are confirmed across all religions.
Once an individual begins to attend any form of formal church, in any religion there are only one of two reasons to do so. The first is for a connection to the culture of the religion. The mass before christmas, the prayer for ramadan etc. The second is because individuals need to anchor their identity to something else. They need some form of spiritual council.
The more established a religion is, the faster it radicalizes. The more organized a religion is the more it manipulates its patrons to commit crimes in the name of “God”.
2015- The Vatican
While being a practicing atheist, I have always enjoyed the peacefulness of religions places. There is a certain vibration that the environment absorbs where so many people are seeking peace. It has a soothing effect on the soul. In addition, the art that religion has inspired is the most incredible form of devotion.
I have made pilgrimages to many temples and churches. In order to prepare to go to the Vatican, in the month of August, I packed clothing that covered my shoulders, and pants that covered my ankles. I also brought a head scarf. Contrary to its false image in the world, Christians need to wear a form of uniform to attend Church. I also read parts of the Bible and learned the rules.
While I have a great many lovely experiences at Churches across the world, the Vatican was the worst place I have ever visited.
The Vatican does not respect Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the effective prophet in Islam for the weak and the poor. Walking into the Vatican was an affront to the memory of Christ. The opulence defied all forms of logic. One had to pay to walk in and we were forced to walk like sheep through the indelible heat for nearly a half hour before getting to the sistine chapel.
The challenge I had was that there were many elderly in the group. From all walks of life. They were struggling to walk. Every other religions temple I have been to had a secondary entry for everything to accommodate people who are disabled or cannot walk. For the presumed obvious reason that these people often have prayers to ask for the alleviation of their own suffering. I have had the great privilege of seeing my own family make such pilgrimages to sikh temples for my brother and my own well being as we were sick children.
The entire experience of going to the Vatican was a form of heresy. There were booths everywhere selling any number of things that had the image of the Pope NOT Christ. In every other religions place I have been, water is free. One goes to a religions place to nourish the soul, thus water is the most basic thing that should be free. The water was more expensive than the water you could buy at any other place in Rome.
The entire experience can be summarized by the moment we finally do make it to the chapel entrance. Women were forced out of heat to remove their jackets simply to cool down. The moment one is about to step into the Chapel we are informed:
“ do not take any pictures and women please cover your shoulders and your hair”
Then one stands in awe at the work he hated doing most, the work he only accepted on commission so he could earn money to love science, and looks up to see an entire ceiling of men with no clothes on. It is highly curious why women's shoulders and uncovered hair is a form of pornography in the chapel but naked men is the epitome of their art.
I had intended to spend the whole day at the Vatican. I arrived in the morning and was going to spend the entire day walking the grounds and learning. The disrespect at the Vatican that i felt for Jesus Christ himself, compelled me to walk out of the chapel, and I bough a bottle of water right outside as a testimony to their measurement of religion.
Religion to the Vatican is paying to be able to stand there. Religion should be free. The Vatican was in complete contradiction to my experience at the Colosseum. The piety with which the Colosseum was shown, the wonderful silences in which one could observe and learn, the guides who were willing to explain the structure, all revealed a reverence for the place where gladiators trained. Presumably for the Vatican.
Where the Vatican had no hint of reverence for the human condition, no element of respect for the lives lost in its name, the people who lost those lives were well enshrined in a glorious tradition that has passed on from each generation of real religious people. Who are willing to fight for the sanctity of human life.
It should be noted that prior to arriving in Italy, both my cousin and I were under the impression that we would find a second home there. Culturally, old Italy is very similar to Punjabi’s. We met up to the most disgusting Pizza we had around the Pantheon. My sister in law laughed as both of us lamented a lost home.
I left for the airport the next morning. I was so disheartened that I could not stay in Rome. I sat at the airport for 8 hrs and read a book because i was that early for check in. Irrespective of the religious nature of the Vatican, I found more spirituality sitting on the floor of an airport reading a book about Edward Snowden.
How can a place that lacks its own professed culture, its own professed supremacy on spirituality be anything but surprised that people have turned away from Christianity. Their poster child is Donald Trump and Elon Musk.
What does a man who sits upon a Golden throne, who is supported by Cardinals and Bishops who sexually molest young boys know about spirituality? While their new messiah’s have notorious known histories with their preferences for how they treat women and young girls, the Vatican is the one place where the sexual assault of young boys is effectively encouraged.
Ever since victims of the Vatican have begun to ask for reparations, these Churches are declaring bankruptcy to avoid paying the victims after the courts order them to do so.
We can see plainly from the history of the Vatican that women have no real trouble with a vow of chastity. However the Vatican might want to consider that it is biologically antithetical to the male physiology to maintain a vow of chastity in the form they preach. The damage is being felt by young boys. Who already are socially penalized for being victims of sexual assault.
The extremely suspicious nature of Mother Theresa’s death, while there is an active campaign from its own patrons to grant her sainthood, the refusal to make a meaningful contribution in the conversation of climate change, something that will kill all their patrons, the impunity and defiance at the heart of the Vatican’s rejection of wrong doing in the sexual assault of so many children speaks volumes for the nature of the religion they specifically preach.
Vatican= antiNature and antiScience
If the Vatican preaches that their parishioners will enter the Kingdom of their opulent heaven and the price to get there if for young men to be raped by man who wear a collar and preach, then that is their path to their spirituality.
However, the Vatican is not a scientific authority. Moreover, their refusal to acknowledge established science is now leading to a reversal of science that has materially helped save lives. Everything from the anti vaccine movement, the anti climate movement, the anti women movement, the anti men movement, to the literal shape of the planet is in contest because the Vatican has a man with a funny hat who said so.
The Vatican stands as a repudiation of its own contribution to science and spirituality. From the Grand Meridian to the modern day calendar, the shape of the cosmos to the nature of humanity, the Vatican is not ignorantly wrong, it is violently criminal in its policies.
From the start of the crusades, which evolved into colonization that celebrated slavery because the slaves must be freed by the white man, to modern day economics, if the Vatican wants to be player in the global world then it must present its real resume.
Not its inferred supremacy that is granted to it by a funny hat. Which golden robes did Jesus wear on the way to his crucifixion? Which woman bore a child as a virgin? Candidly, if the Vatican does not know how children are born in 2024 then perhaps they are in need of sex education.
They are welcome to visit the ancient religions and celebrations of the human experience across the world. From the Ajanta and Aurora caves to the African songs that celebrate the creation of new life the world is filled will a beautiful song that echoes the hum of love. As it manifests the arrival of a child. Any child that nature has created must be celebrated with piety and respect.
It is also an awkward choice for the Vatican to use the life, or the presumed fables of the virtuous man who stood for the common man, not unlike Guru Nanak who also references Jesus Christ and create a religion 1000 years after his death.
The child of a carpenter would reject life in a palace of gold. Is the miracle here not that Mary bore a child in defiance of nature?
Perhaps the Vatican needs to be reminded that there is a Church of Mary Mandolin as well. Perhaps the mother of the Vatican should be respected more for giving them the poster child of their bastardized religion.
People are yearning for spiritual guidance. They are reading the Quran and adopting a faith that was born from love. Whose people give a certain percentage of their income to those in need. My view of the Vatican illustrated an opulent kingdom. That stands upon the creation of the poverty of its parishioners souls. Souls that are then rendered tired and easily manipulated by the next Evangelical Messiah.
A man who is the ideal throne bearer for a Church that destroyed so many lives. Because all his technology is also poorly created and has led to so much destruction. We, the surfs who are doomed to hell, take Jesus Christ back as our prophet. We hope you have the decency to stop taking his name in Vain. Please amend all your documents from the Ministry of Truth to replace Jesus Christ with Elon Musk. Your new lord and savior.