feministFront: Climate Catastrophe
Note: After many years of trying to persuade the nobility of leaders in-charge with statistics that are more comfortable to me, i found the many works of indigenous scholars. I will take inspiration from them and endeavor to explain the most critical challenge in climate transition, using my own story as a backdrop. A very Canadian narrative.
I am a mechanical engineer for a reason. Machines do not have “feelings” they have materials failure. I love machines. They dont talk, if they break you know it was ur own fault. We put sensors on them to see how they will fail, we simulate modes of failure, temperatures and a variant of different variables to see how, when and where we need to fix or replace. There is something inherently natural about the system.
I had no problems with them, but the Environmental Engineers did not work on machines. The 10% of men who went into the discipline were there for the obvious 90% of women. While THOSE men were civilized by their classmates, that is not the story for the rest of us.
Where we endeavored to restore nature to allow people to work easier, our classmates considered us the machines. Forgive me for betraying a sense of sentimentality, but the first time a professor tells you that you are the reason why women cant be engineers, AFTER you were just informed of the Polytechnique Montréal massacre of women because they were engineers it has a jarring effect.
Even for someone as brutally cold as a Type 1 Autistic woman.
In our careers most of us never saw another, so we forgot to be seen ourselves. It never occurs to someone who was never given the social rules of male supremacy that it is not your work but you gender that is the error. So you do the calculations over and over, only to end up at the same result. A result no one cared about to begin with.
What it takes to build an industry:
It was 2006, and we were in Calgary. We found each other with the mutual goal to save earth. Young engineers going into Oil companies, volunteering to educate them on the root causes of poverty. Peak Oil.
A variety of diversity hiring begins to happen in the Oil and Gas sector. Women who look a certain way and are willing to say the right things begin to become very well paid.
The majority of us, denied the donations and sponsorships of the Oil and Gas sector in the interest of staying independent. We ripped up our own constitution at an Annual General Meeting because the new young members made an impassioned indictment and we were all convinced. lets start back at 1.
We published failure reports to learn from our mistakes. We worked ourselves out of jobs. We never got paid- it was a labor of the heart.
Does it matter that there were more women them men? the men were our own. They stood side by side, they had no affliction of masculinity in taking the lead from our female leaders.
So we finally arrive in 2015- when our free labor has translated into multiple degrees, research, practical applied experience and application. Finally we see a glimmer of hope, a life of poverty that can be rewarding. Just a bit of pay.
And we then arrive in the same institutions that those people who greenwashed the dark oil lead, as we are told to follow.
What makes oil dark is not the carbon footprint. Its the blood they shed on the way to get it. Its the economic desolation of the world they leave behind. The abandoned wells that people have to live with. The nonsensical, unnecessary toxic waste they leave behind.
So when the trend was vogue, they seemed to be more qualified.
The industry is not Energy, it is climate transition.
A personal journey (2022–2024) What happens when you speak up.
A Climate Transition Expert, a Climate Activist, a Humanist and a feminist is made.
No i was never really discriminated against. I hated the word “feminism”. Women hate female engineers. We are the most isolated person in a job. So none of us last. The meager one guy we give our work to so he can present it so we dont have to hear it, is the only friend we usually have.
We hate staying late at work. We are efficient, exacting and then we are ourselves. What is ourselves?
We let a smile betray when we feel the urge and not when a man tells us to after he has just insulted us. We have drinks with each other in our homes so we dont have to do the 2 am texting “did u get home ok?”.
It is hard to wake up to your life one day and realize that the only thing the rest of the world saw was that you were a woman. More surprisingly, that you were NOT a white one.
I did not have an emotional reaction. I had a statistical one.
The challenge is not that after men have ruined the fun in all the other industries they took from us, they now want this one. We have been innovating in silence for millennium, creating life, community, technology and art without pay, prominence or promotion. The challenge I am sorry to say is that you are not qualified.
The statistical, mathematical, scientific challenge is this is the most complex challenge of our time. Therefore it requires advanced education and the pragmatism of complex experts. Who understand advanced ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING. Regrettably 20 years ago girls who wanted a good career in a nice culture and did not want to deal with male toxic leadership and culture, all went into Environmental Engineering if they were good at science.
I am afraid, ultimately, the selfish thing was merely that I LOOKED the part.
So I — Aman Chahal, the ANTI- feminist compelled myself to study the problem. The experiment is below.
Experimental Hypothesis: What is the right way to tell someone that there is a cultural problem impacting productivity at work?
My personal background and story are no longer relevant. The emotional variability that Type 1 Autistic feels has subsided and i need no sympathy from anyone who is now not MY OWN.
As the following events are all public knowledge. I felt that I had made a grave error. In ignoring the role that gender and perceived race play in the professional world. So I did all my research in public. All my appalled posts are real time.
Many are lost because upon insistence from a Government Organization that is now under Criminal Investigation in Canada- my LinkedIn account, which was 100% being used to generate business was also suspended. With my rolodex of 2k contacts.
I was spoiled for choice without searching for it.
ACADEMIC INVITATION: To anyone who is interested in studying discrimination, the worst possible kind you can image, we an anthropologist with real experience I invite you to Alberta, specifically Edmonton, the now Mecca of hate.
Case Studies:
- Edmonton Global
- University of Alberta
- Sustainable Development Technologies Canada
A note on my resume:
Let me assure you that i am 0% prone to imposter syndrome. My resume like my every response to the professional world was engineered. For only one end objective:
How do I use my entire intelligence and life to have the most impact in the world?
Industry Selected in 2009: Cleantech/ Climate Change
Job prospects in 2009: none.
Alternative income generators: Data Science.
Career Path Built once selection was made and cause:
2010- The initial industry of choice for curiosity reasons was space and aviation. However as the general sentiment and culture was so dangerously toxic that i began to be concerned that my managers were approving poor quality aviation repairs rather than listen to the female engineers, i grew very concerned and resigned without a place to go.
My initial endeavor at that time was to go to B- School and do an MBA. Then I was going to head to either a UN type gig, or move into climate transition in some capacity. Harvard did not work out. Ivey recruited me.
2012- Tried to get a job in the Oil and Gas sector or the mining sector due to their professed desire to be sustainable and due to their departments that professed to do economic development. A full year of searching yielded that i did not have the right experience. Pursued alternative path first.
Job: Bell Canada
Skill set: Data Science
2013: begin formally working in cleantech as a side gig.
2015: side gig reveals that this sector needs an added insight on regulatory reform. given my natural interest in academia and my desire to have the most impact i return to university to specialize in the field on regulation reform.
2016- I pursue SDTC as the only real investment happening in cleantech.
Not being cocky note:
I am the only human being in the climate transition, who has engineering, business and policy experience that intersects only on innovation and cleantech as it pertains to the climate transition with, technical, academic and professional experience. World wide.
Because no one wanted to be a homeless person, doing climate transition.
Career note>2018:
Only my side gigs have paid the bills however since 2018 i have worked for free to help white men who deserved money access it, mostly because their tech was good. I cannot get paid for this because i have been blackballed from the sector.
the sheer VOLUME of volunteer work i was doing because SDTC has LOCKED OUT all smart innovation funding into a closed network because so large that it resulted in me making one conclusion.
As the world leading expert in the climate transition the most efficient thing globally to do for the planet to have any chance of changing the course of our shared extinction was to shut down SDTC. For free. While being targeted by powers I care not to name now.
The fastest path to changing the course of history:
this is also free. do not let its freedom misguide you that it is not valuable. like the air you currently still can breathe.
if every investor BLINDLY without even doing due diligence, as you clearly are not doing it now with 97% of funding going to one extremely inefficient class of thieves- who are stealing IP and you are the black market of womens work, direct every cent to the black women who come asking this should take 2 months to fix.
if you would like to morally repudiate my work you have every right. should you however attempt any form of academic, logic or economic debate, i will end you with the full weight of my scientific math. you will most likely spend the better part of 10 years learning that much knowledge to understand it, because i did.
A note about Politicians:
The EASIEST most efficient, fastest and most obvious sector to automate is politicians. This category of job has lost its relevance along with the horse and buggy and the advent of ropes rated for lynching stress.
Even an artificial form of intelligence can be programmed with the most basic of humanity:
First law of robotics:
human== human == {all human}
Second law of robotics:
mitigate all pain to humans
third law of robotics:
ONLY harm if analytical, mathematical certainty has been reached that harming this specific human is in the advancement of all humanity.
The second most effective thing to do for the climate transition:
eradicate morality
all systems should be designed for only economic efficiency. Economic Efficiency as it is designed and defined by the pioneering school of sustainability Net Impact.
Social- Environmental- Economic sustainability. Which remains the founding doctrine and philosophy of Adam Smith’s Capitalism, and can now be postulated as a transposition of the more popular work of his time. Charles Darwin in the Origin of Species.
Adam Smith borrowed from evolutionary theory to create a economic metabolism for thriving economies.
use math. not morality.
greed is good. for all. HUMAN kind.
we all need resources gentleman. even women eat food. wear clothes. need shoes. r in need of feminine hygiene products that you make us pay for while paying us 30% less to begin with. and hate when we ask for them for free.
we also prefer not to have children when we cannot be certain that we an pay for them. it turns out in my interviews men are often confused about who the child belongs to. thank you for the removal of certain frivolous things in your agendas that are a “nice to have”.