Existential musings- to speak the truth or to not.
im going with not.
it was a truck that had run over someone on a motorcycle. and you could see the blood as long as it had been dragged. and no one touched it. they stood there- had a moment and then left.
because everyone in india knows if u call the cops they will arrest you. and helping someone should not come at the cost of ur own safety.
so i wont do it again. because saviors — the savior complex only has one end- they want to crucify you. so who cares.
in the last 3 years- it can easily be said that is someone in Canada cared about people, productive or the planet I have only found them willing to whisper displeasure in silent rooms. only to watch as i spoke the truth and paid for it. so this country deserves itself.
when no one else talks. no one else does the bare minimum to help the people helping, then stop helping. the age is to find the doctor and then aim for that.
i dont know about intelligence, but humanity is artificial. that i can state as a fact.