Member-only story
i am, morally, a supporter of euthanasia. MORALLY. not legislatively as canada has rolled it out. there are two scenarios in which i believe in euthanasia.
- someone is born with a condition like psychopathy beyond modern science
- someone is assured to continue to suffer medically unless they are allowed to end their life.
i do not belive that people should be tortured for who they r and how their lives go.
i dont know why, but thus far there are ppl born who have the ability to commit great harm to others and be happy only when they do. this is a deformity in the biological design.
this includes ppl who can only gain pleasure from torturing animals, raping kids, serial killers. i do not belive in an eye for an eye. i think if someone is born like this then they will 100% seek out their biological imperative. and i postulate for the powers that be to consider, it may be kinder for everyone to put them and us out of our assured misery.
a child should not have to be raped for us to understand that real piezophiles cant help it. and children and their protection is our priority as a civilization. they should not be tortured. i dont believe in torture for reform. a serial killer has been broken as a person. no amount of jail time will lead to reform. and jail should be about rehabilitation. not punishment.
jail should really be- extensive therapy. not punitive. murderers who had hard lives have done a meditation practice called vipassana and…