Entrepreneurship- the economic guerilla fight.
i never had any time or money to be able to hedge my bets. but ive got enough scars to know u only win when u have skin in the game. i got skin, sweat, blood and bones in this now.
pitch to a number of people who want to feel the fire of youth. pitch? sorry i dont have the right fancy shoes. u wanna know what im building? find me in a trench, and dont forget to jump in when the siren goes off.
the rhetoric of has beens knowing how to be now is nauseating. might be the concussion i just got for doing all the right things wrong i guess.
i dont know why your choosing this path. im not making a choice. every organism has a biological imperative to survive. we also have an economic one.
so less than 0.003% of the population has about 50% of the money. and less than 0.9% of ethnic women get any capital. in addition our friends and family are busy using their capital to pay for rent for our homes coz — well, u know u know. u dont ur 0.003% rich.
so no im not looking to raise money. im not dumb. im not spending 99% of my time trying to figure out how to make some guy feel happy so he can give me money. the whole reason im here is i dont know how to please the man.
Canada is now forcing autistic women to go to psych wards after they stress them into psychotic episodes and then shooting them up with lithium and forcing them to stay in wards with real pedophilias. women most likely to already have been assaulted.
thank you to everyone for the invitation. i am busy that night. im afraid ur need for celebration and pop and circumstance does not explain or understand my reality. let us meet in a structured format. should the need arise — else u do u. ill get back to work. i realize it doesn't pay but i have a real job, and all i got left is skin in the game.