Edmontons economic implosion can’t be stopped now
Sometimes you struggle with what you have learned and it is natural for your feelings to cloud your judgement. Perhaps that is why doctors can’t do certain things on patients.
Perhaps I am wrong but it is time to accept that you really can’t go back home. Perhaps it is important to let those memories stay memories encased in the mythology of time. We forget about the hard things. We romanticize things.
Sometimes we need to go through certain challenges to be able to learn our lessons.
There is no point in beating Ur head upon a rock that refuses to move. Edmonton, like Detroit, will eventually find its way back. Not all battles are worth the effort. Some u fight to lose.
Economically, the fundamentals of grown exist here. However the culture of collaboration that forms the fabric of solving problems does not.
A good lesson to learn. Perhaps L. M Montgomery’s Avonlea is only a mythology. Alas, Anne with an “e” today is a new day with no mistakes in it. Imagine the possibilities!