im a very simple person. i have a monk like simplicity to my life. and fuck me i was born smart in a womans body. gautum saw pain in the day one time in his life and left the world. im an ethnic woman in canada who worked in tech.
i tried to do one good thing. and im not going to name anyone, coz ur fucking secrecy means alot. but filming me naked is fine. tapping all my devices is totally fine. but ur fucking privacy cant be violated. AWESOME.
i dont deal with people often. u guys make drama when things r simple. and mark zukerberg made facebook and declared a war on women. world wide. that then aggregated to a war on children and survivors of abuse. i happen to know analytics. so i studied it. by VOLUNTEERING to fucking TORTURE MYSELF. for a year.
i told people about it. who in their wisdom decided i should not study theology and physics and become a monk because “omg her life is so sad”. FUCK U. r u happy?
for 4 months people have played with my life at the highest levels of society. ive been experimented on, ppl have tried to convert my religion, have me commit suicide- and fucking kill me if they cant control me. FUCK U.
guys cant imagine why or how someone would stop dating. have u met urselves? omg why dont women want to have kids. fuck u- first no one wants to give birth to the…