Depression: Mixing meds is bad
Ive been curious about how Elon Musk has enjoyed this rise to power. His narrative does not have a cohesive message, he changes directions every few months or weeks and yet his supporters seems unwavered in their alliance to him.
From the outside it looks like this environment is benefiting from a man who is at some form of precipice. However if we remove the bite from his words, if we step back and accept that the Nazi salute, the damaging rhetoric against women and his support of these causes is a cry for a much larger thing, then his behavior seems more consistent with a man looking for a purpose.
It is here that we begin to notice that he is not on one drug, he has been known to be on many. while some chemicals that have been formerly considered to be banned substances like cannibis are starting to be researched properly and their benefits are becoming more known, others like ketamine and lsd are not yet tested for full scale adoption. in addition, the legalization of cannibis in canada itself was done to promote it as a recreational drug. not as a responsible substance to be used with a learned approach.
it is my opinion, as the ceo of cleantecher, and as a responsible adult that people should get a license, paid for by the government, before they can buy alcohol or any such substances. even a performative conversation around when to use these substances, how to use them and their good and bad effects removes both the stigma and the appeal of them. the “illicit” “bad person” idea of who uses these substances is what creates a form of hero worship in young people around them.
for example, while in north america binge drinking has taken off, in europe kids grow up drinking a glass of wine with dinner. this changes their relationship with alchohol. its not a bad thing, its just wine. they learn to drink it with their family.
however, a large number of extra- ultra wealthy and powerful people seem to be caught in a cycle of depression. proving once and for all that money cannot buy happiness. however we do with it could buy a proper medical treatment for depression.
there is no medical professional on earth who would advocate for the long term, sustained and un-monitored use of ketamine. in a high stress situation, a person who is in the kind of depression that requires ketamine would create a cycle of addiction to the substance. studies show this would create a dissociative state from reality. that can make the individual prone to manipulation or persuasion from others.
what is of even more concern, is the number of drugs that people are self medicating with at the same time. while it is being studied now itself, ketamine’s use on its own has not been fully verified and it is in experimental stages. to add a former drug that was studied and then banned like lsd to the cocktail is highly unpredictable.
it is not that each substance alone, taken under medical advice or even through a community guided method is bad. rather it is the flippant disregard for their actual impact on the brain that is of concern. mixing these chemicals, then overusing them had a long term and permanent impact on the human brain.
infact the use of cannibis before the ages of 22–24 has also been shown to effect the brain permanently. as has the misuse of alcohol. this is the primary reason why young adults should be taught how to use these chemicals and they should not be left to their own vices to discover the damages of things like blackouts and dissociative states.
prohibition will never work. responsible education will. if elon musk or anyone in any high risk industry is on these drugs then if that position is high enough they should consider taking time off to first deal with the underlying condition of depression. then creating a mechanism to get off the addictive substances, rehabilitate their brains and health and then return to work at a more suitable time.
high risk industries and positions are not suitable for people who are in depression.
mental health is not a suggestion. one can argue mental health is more important than physical health. in addition the leading cause of suicides and violence in men is depression.