Crypto Advisory for the community: The Banks are after you
Miss me?
what can i say- bit was so … unsavory a few years ago that i decided i would not get into crypto then. there was always a stink about it.
but the US SEC releasing crypto securities with the offering of USD Coin- well that was very legal and im all ears now.
if you are like — crypto ppl, then ur trying to learn and take advantage of the flip. be warned. since the banks cant compete they r actively targeting people who r trying to just make a living.
finally crypto goes live and the Canadian government destroys the party. i know- we should have kept our money in a mattress. my bad.
so if ur playing in crypto right now- be extra cautious. here is what they are doing (Bank 1 succeeded- im on bank 2 making this attempt now)
- deny any transaction
- do not explain why
- force the client to take the money out and use cash
- inform the authorities so they look like a criminal
- intercept the ledger
- terminate banking relationship with a threat to sue
If you are in this situation first and foremost
- DO NOT be argumentative. they are using that to deny service
- DO NOT explain how the technology works. they dont even know how their own AI works.
- Assume the bank is going target you and that the GOC is involved.
they are all colluding now.
so from me to you- i already got the back stab and it hurts. Why should u suffer?