Member-only story
Congratulations Russia- ur victory was well earned
kamila harris did not lose the election. russia won it. there is a difference.
the USA has operated without impunity in the world and called itself the good guy back at home. as if its goodness dripped out of its constitution. a constitution whose sanctity for those at the receiving end of their nobility has always lacked a certain, balance.
russia infiltrated your elections. from canada. they did not fire a single shot because you were more than willing to load the gun. they did not need to load the weapon, you were waiting. just itching to shoot it.
it is irrelevant if they rigged the machines, if bitcoin or blockchain or the media was involved. the methodology is for this time.
we cannot forget that the US history is one of the bloodiest choices ever made. by successive government after government.
so it matters you see if you keep your word. u cant lie to the world and then be shocked when they did onto you what u did onto them.
millions of women will pay the cost. but what is different about that? how is that different today than any other day in your country? ur knowledge of it does not erase it from having happened every day you were unaware.
ur chosen ignorance does not need to equate into a perverse form of sympathy. so we join millions others and you reap the benefits of biological strength.