Compound Canadian Crisis- The Uncommon Plan

11 min readJan 5, 2025


As we see the Liberal Party finally recognizing that the theatrics of a Drama teacher are ill suited for running a country. It remains plain to see that the conservative party is in its own crisis. Similar to a meth addict that has begun chasing the Artificial Intelligence high from the dopamine daze of their social feeds. A new approach is needed to solve Canada’s collision into the 21st century.

It has been my experience that when you study a problem from multiple sides, through various dimensions, and with due care that solutions can be created in creative ways.

The truth is that many mistakes have been made and no party, no lever of the Canadian economy is without blame. We need a consolidated plan to solve these issues that converge onto each other. That intersect in the complexities of how economics underpins our every day lives without our knowing.

It is my hope that Mark Carney is the man who leads the future of Canada for the next 4 years. The reason is simple, neither one of us is very interested in what the other does after they go home from work. However the exception is 8 hrs/ day. Be a good dad on your own time.

While I cannot presume to know what he knows and he remains the expert over my own knowledge, here is my assessment of how to solve some of the most complex problems in Canada in less than 6 months. In addition, this plan would create the seeds for Canada to grow into a harmonious global innovation lab that would have the potential to power itself and the world economically for years to come.

Depending on his performance, I might vote in the next election. This will be the first Canadian election in which i refuse to vote in protest. Let us know when to come back Carney. Until then- here are the notes from behind enemy lines.

Federal Focus:

  1. Defense
  2. Immigration
  3. Economic Planning — China 5 year plan
  4. Modernization of the Bureaucracy
  5. Innovation redesign
  6. Repeal/ Pause

While there are many promises that the previous liberal party made 9 years ago, their execution and pandering approach has left the large part of the system broken.

As anyone who has materially worked in the real world can attest to- only execution matters. The manner in which the Liberal party went about the process of applying their voter tested promises reeks of pandering. Therefore the following two policies are considered vital to the eventual health of the country but should not be made until- hopefully- a second term.

  1. Election reform
  2. Constitution repatriation completed.

All democracies are expected to go through the ebbs and flows of changing demographics. However the most evolved electoral system is representative voting. It ensures the edges of society are also represented in our house of COMMONS.

It is not our moral job to say if someone from Edson who finds themselves uncomfortable with people of color should be right or wrong, anymore than it is our moral job to judge a drag queen. What matters is that there is a significant enough group in Canada that is represented by that identification. Therefore as Canadians, we must accommodate them in the room we have for all of us.

The New Zealand electoral system is the only known one that modified itself after two referendums. Scholars should be consulted as the names of the systems are complex.

The flaws of having a Constitutional Monarchy in 2025 are obvious. The cartoonish understanding of how the Governor General operates, their roles and the lack of basic knowledge in the House of Commons itself begs us to ask if these institutions are relevant. Perhaps it is time we stopped asking people who liberated their lands from the crown, to swear allegiance to it before becoming Canadian.

Call it our own tea party. Perhaps we prefer to be a bit more civilized than throwing perfectly good tea into the water without brewing a cup first. Why pick one? I like cucumber sandwiches.

it is also recommended that before dissolving parliament if you chose to run a second time, you restrict the powers of PMO and restore them to the pre- Harper years.

The approach:

Somethings need to be said out loud. Therefore if reconciliation is an agenda then it is not a strategic approach. This will be the only time we use demographics. Where white men once took their dignity, only a white man can restore the dignity of a nation that stole what we can never restore.

We will all come on that convoy with you. Let the Terry Fox run of 2025 be remembered as the time a Nation was finally born. With great power sir.

The approach should be fundamentally Canada first and in so doing we must first define Canada for once. In so doing we will be the only nation that educated itself on itself and self reflected before becoming itself.

In order to solve the compound problems we face the following agencies need to be dissolved or completely re-evaluated. Most of your work should be extremely frustrating education on the bureaucratic nonsense that holds this nation back.

  • Statistics Canada
  • Ministry of Human Resources
  • NRC
  • Office of the Auditor General
  • CRTC

In addition a full and complete re-evaluation of the entire organizational system of the network of federal agencies should take place.

The most vital agency to safeguard all Canadians is CRA.

The following positions in the Federal government should be eliminated or reassessed:

  • ADM
  • DM

These individuals pander to the Ministers. They have no understanding of their actual portfolios. If the Minister’s staff cannot understand the experts who prepare their briefs then the ministers staff should be fired. We should not be operating to the dumbest employee.

There should be a public disclosure of all complaints that have been made inside the Government of Canada regarding:

  • bullying
  • harassment
  • sexual assault

These 3 concerns should be brought into the Occupational Health and Safety Code. People of all walks of life experience these issues. These issues materially erode productivity. There should be a zero tolerance policy. In all ministries including and especially:

  • Department of National Defense
  • All contractors
  • Global Affairs Canada

In addition once a contractor is fired or an individual is let go for these reasons the GOC has a material obligation to indicate that they will not make an opinion on them. A reference will not be given.

The most unused and criminally underfunded part of the GOC is the Standards Council of Canada.

We should be the annoying country that convenes all the boring things at ISO. NO real work is done at the Gs.

Defense: Blockchain Digital Identity: eEstonia

It seems awkward that the ambassador for estonia live in Canada, they have been shopping for the next data embassy. Mr. Vitalik the founder of ethereum is a Canadian.

A blockchain digital ID can easily be created by convening a fact finding mission with estonia and bringing the smartest blockchain experts to Canada. You may find some at the TC 307 Blockchain Committee at the SCC. I shall vouch for the team i selected.

The following things can be addressed and connected easily

  • interoperability within provinces for skills transfer
  • transfer of all criminal records across the country
  • transfer of all medical records across the country
  • transfer of all financial information
  • transfer of all security clearances

From the prospective of defense, it is easier to ensure the identity of 41 million Canadians than 41 million bots.

A blockchain ID will also help relay government standardized information to all Canadians without the possibility of intercept.

Immigration: Canadian Citizenship Classifications:

The blockchain ID should only carry 4 forms of Citizenship:

  • Student
  • Canadianizing
  • Canadian
  • Person Non Grata

Due to the extremely widespread amount of treason like activities that have taken place in Canada, it would be impractical to prosecute the crimes. The number of people, companies and institutions involved are so networked that it would be like pulling one string and pulling the entire fabric of Canada apart.

Therefore a moratorium should be instituted.

If hutus and tutsis could learn to live side by side, then perhaps we should be content in the knowledge that our ignorance and prejudice was the sword that was used to cut us.

To indicate the gravity of our resolve, Canada should set up the global first innovation hub for tactical digital defenses. It should form the fundamental basis of our contribution to NATO for free.

Education Standardization

International skills and experiences can only serve to enrich us as a nation. We bring here those skills that we do not have or that add value to our economies.

These are truncated to make room for the University model of making qualified immigrants re-do their education at a premium.

Therefore once a Blockchain ID is developed, we can use the SCC to standardize all degree education. It would be the most boring exercise that professors across the world would volunteer to do.

In so doing the Canadian government can reverse the current hiring practices of the GOC and hire these people first to certify their Canadian Experience. In a global first in class all immigrants, refugees and people who chose to make Canada their home must work for 2 years within the federal family. As their own service to their new country.

Certification should be granted retro-actively. As a form of restitution. With apologies.

Due to the tight network of Canadians we tend to leave Canada to excel in our fields globally. These Canadians should have a mechanism to … serve as double agents for our economy.

It is unknown why there are no:

  • Actors who went to hollywood who want to teach at tiff school
  • Musicians who want to exchange and teach school
  • insert all fields.

If Canadians are being honored by the White House- the Order of Canada seems to be just a pin. A man wears that pin to the white house to say:

“ look mom i made it”

A federal educational institution should be created. All money from the following groups should be put into this agency to accelerate its development and its appeal:

  • CIHR

Economic Planning

It falls to reason all institutions should have an economic plan. A 6 month, 2 yr and 5 yr one. If only to understand how hard it is to achieve the goals we set for ourselves.

An economic plan should be made in lock step with the current realities of the global economy. In addition we should consider our evolving role in that economy and look to all our industries for modernization.

If Canada does not have presence in an emerging sector we should actively recruit to build an educational exchange to develop it.

It is presently unclear what Global Affairs Canada does. However the best and the brightest individuals in Canada should be required to do some form of professional service to Canada. They should be deployed across the world to feed into the Strategic Plan for Canada.

People in their mid-career should be volunteering to get paid a bit less to take the opportunity and accelerate their careers from an opportunity their own companies may not be able to provide.

Globalized experience is the most coveted in all professional industries. Canada has no corporate offices.

The churning of private and public talent will ensure that the general public remains aware of that is going on with the government.

The plan should be released after the budget. The report card of the prior 6 months should be released before. A period of 2 weeks should be given to industry and academics for comment. In the house of commons so we may elevate them. The entire thing should be televised. We are shareholders in the Canadian Government.

Modernization of the Bureaucracy

Who hires based on boxes?

Who promotes based on written competitions?

Who takes 1 yr to tell people if they have a job?

Who cant fire non performing employees?

The following changes need to made to bring the Canadian Federal Government in lock step with the stone age.

  • Remove all barriers for firing individuals
  • make the process regulated
  • remove all individuals who are causing others to go on stress leave and costing canadians money
  • institute 360 review processes
  • use a standardized id across all agencies so everyone can be inter-operable.
  • publish average pay scale.
  • standardize pay based on role and credential
  • remove all “experts” on pay roll.

If a job is important enough to have someone provide industry insight on, then as their PATRIOTIC duty they should be providing that at a discount. In addition is anyone who claims to be an expert is making a living from the Canadian tax payer, their role needs to be brought in-house.

Remove all consulting firms from pay roll. Consulting firms do not specialize in PUBLIC service. The job of a private company is to maximize getting the next job. The job of a government is to reduce the amount of money it asks its citizens for to do its job until it starts paying them.

With the amount of natural resources Canada has it is unclear why any Canadian has debt. All Canadians who offer to work for the federal government for a period of 5 years should have their education paid for. Irrespective of age.

Remove all self-disclosure from all jobs. Create an appeals process. All manned by real people. No one wants a job because of demographics. Demographically based employment is a function of a welfare state.

Innovation redesign: All Sector approach

In order to pay for the following it is recommended that all funding going to “innovation” be found and stopped with the exception of the fundamental science institutes.

The fundamental science institutes should be put front and center and networked within the Federal Education Institute to educate the public at large on the relevance of their work. In addition all their contracts should be modified after a fact finding mission is done to understand why they current contracts do not actually give them the flexibility they need to be excellent.

All contracts where the Federal Government has decided to take a risk on a company or innovation should remove the following clauses:

  1. x% of funding must be spent in Canada- tied aide does not work.
  2. x number jobs- contracting makes companies nimble at startup stage.

The following agencies are not providing any value to Canada’s economy:

  • All superclusters
  • All innovation funding
  • All 3 AI institutes

The money should be pooled into the creation of the first startup school. The NRC facilities should be free to the startup school as a lab. All trade schools should feed into the NRC labs to help educate all individuals in how to create solutions to problems that are LOCAL.

It is unknown why the following problems exist when countries all across the world have solved them. therefore they are priority zero:

  • clean drinking water to all canadians
  • respectful and dignified housing that is consistent with their cultures
  • access to nutritious food
  • access to mental health services for all youth
  • the existence of landfills
  • emissions from all resource extraction.

It should be noted that it is the authors opinion that high school students can solve all these issues in one hackathon. Once they have been solved the high school students should recommend where they want the future of their country to go.

Repeal/ Pause

The following plans have damaged the fabric of many social networks and have led to unexpected and tragic avoidable deaths.

  1. Euthanasia laws

Euthanasia is not a medical prescription. It should be undertaken after great consultation with medical professionals. In addition mental health workers should be required to speak with both the individual and family members. All prior cases of medical euthanasia should be fully investigated before these laws are continued.

2. Cannabis legalization

Many individuals who advocated for the legalization of Cannabis did not intend for youth to use it to avoid feeling suicidal. There is an epidemic of young people using Cannabis to avoid natural feelings that their evolution into adult hood have. In addition studies have shown that the use of Cannabis before the ages of 26 can have lasting effects. Cannabis should be used in moderation. While not addictive as a substance is prolific use in youth is an indicator of a loneliness epidemic.

Cannabis is a natural plant that should not be criminalized but it requires education- along side the use of alcohol. It is naive and ignorant to think that young people will not be experimenting with substances. The least we can do is have a substance license. To indicate that they watched a 2 hr movie.

The Final Word

The Canadian Federal Government should operate as boringly as turning on a light.

No Canadian should ever wonder:

“ are they doing this job?”

They should only know:

“its not a fun job, i dont want to do it, it sounds boring- but im getting paid and if i need to pay a bit so i never have to think about this- thats easy peasy”

If the 100 yr old electric grid can work, then it is because of the very uncommon and highly educated engineers and technicians that make it work.

Sometimes you need one expert- so everyone else can stay common.




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