CANADIAN interference in US elections

4 min readOct 26, 2024


Dedication: The chicks. im not ready to make nice either ladies and thanks for setting the bar that high. its a dirty job but we all know only a woman will do it.

This article is my opinion only. All facts referenced should be checked on ur own time because im not ur fucking mom use ur goolge thumb.

Ive been a card carrying member of every single political party in Canada. i was naive like Jagmeet Singh- get involved. Vote. Tell someone if you see something. And now Danielle Smith is Elon Musks mic.

Canadians are not nice. they are conniving. Im not a conspiracy theorist. i know the earth is round. im not stupid. and if Smith would stop messing with it we can maintain our free speech. There is something apropos about the Handmaids Tale film adaptation.

The outfits are red. its this subtle note that makes one wonder if the makers knew what was going to happen. Canada’s greenwashing bill is of vital importance to analyze. What does it say about a nation that we lie so much that MPs actually tabled and passed a greenwashing bill. All this is intended to say is:

“do not lie about the climate change initiatives”

And MS. Smith has certainly done her share of advancement for women. I mean if hitler can do it, then Danielle Smith will make it better. So while Albertans are protesting for fair contracts, she is giving those contracts to non UNIONIZED workers, similar to the Musk industries. What is being contracted out?

  • firefighting
  • law enforcement
  • health care
  • policing
  • schools

Albertans are amputating limbs from frost bite, that is the quality of our health care. We are in the stone ages. People are losing legs, arms, hands because they froze- a poetic nod to the nature of the Danielle Smith heart. So naturally she is both alarmed and standing for the protections of Canadian rights to “free” speech. Taking ads in 4 provinces to make the point.

Because 4 provinces will impact Alberta’s election?

It was a suspicious among many of us that 9/11 or the attack on first responders 911 began and was organized in Canada. So it falls to reason that if Russia was fighting the US in Ukraine there would be a second front to that war. A digital one.

The AI deployed on twitter, Elon Musks closeness with Danielle Smith, the Pierre Poilievre lack of security clearance, the RT Media, Tenet Media, Tucker Carlson, Jordon Peterson, the entire convoy to Ottawa says only one thing loud and clear.

Alberta has fallen to Russia. With the direct objective of architect civil war in Canada and to influence the US election. It would be nice to brush it under the rug. But how long does that carry on? eventually all u got is a landfill with indigenous women buried and rug on top.

How can this happen?

You cant be right. You must be crazy. The news would tell us.

U wanna buy the news the Edmonton journals one night rate is 3k. Ya that is high. I agree- awkwardly so. Infact every Canadian newspaper has a price. I dont judge how you chose to make a living. But if hooking is legal for the newspaper then give my sisters health care and adhere to their human rights.

Who sold out our allies? Well lets just say twitter has a way of making u do things that seem dirty in the light of day but they felt soooo good when u shake hands with the devil at night.

There is no clean party. For the simple reason that we put them there to guard against it. And they used our tax money like their own personal ATM. The newspapers- alas what is news? Can you get a job in this thriving economy?

How many women have been attacked in Canada? In the last 4 years?

Forgive me im touchy on the topic. we paid a price- im an engineer. we were hoping the wound ended here:

So when i found out that if your a brown woman, and you tell the RCMP that there is an AI threat on twitter and an attack against the LGBTQ+ that will spread like wildfire, and they laugh you off the phone- it has a way of changing your mind.

So i left my iron ring in the engine of an aircraft that adorned the engineering building i used to study in. but unfortunately the oath i took i meant.

There is only really one main border that the US needs to militarize. It is north of the country. The CIA should be in Canada to do all its international threat analysis. Every Canadian going south should be required to have security clearance that out ranks the leader of the opposition. I do mean every border- land. sea. air. internet.

ya i am canadian, but it was not white canada who got hurt after 9/11. it was not their patriotism that was questioned as brown skinned. so i have to apply the same standard of global citizenship to myself that i admired in Russia.

To those people who died trying to stop Putin- hell ya- it takes valor to burn ur own compounds when you fight unjust wars.

CANADA is an international security threat. It should be ejected from NATO. All criminal activity is financed here. All the AI is developed here. We are not harboring merely India’s terrorists. We are the safe haven for all the terrorists.

long live free speech




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