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Canada will never register in the innovation space
As a country, canadians profess many things. how educated they are, how much they value stem. this all bull shit.
for the last 3 years ive worked extensively in the innovation space in canada, trying to help real innovators make a difference. and the trusth is extremely obvious, and simple- canadians would rather work for an illetrate white man than an educated colored person or woman.
ONLY ill qualified white people make it in canada. on paper Canada has the worlds most educated workforce. all of it driving ubers because they are not white.
when my parents immigrated to canada law enforcement was being organized. my father was the most educated person in the remand center and people tried to eject him becasuse he was brown. CSIS was being set up and they people who set it up were also materially ill educated. the shadow of this can be felt even today as the auditor generals report highlights.
the material question is not, do people in canada have this skill, the material question is why are people in canada with these skills being left behind?
in truth, the Hill Times impeaches itself having never published on this topic. this one topic that none of the publications want to talk about.