Canada- the world is watching
with 5 governments funding 19 MPs that we know of, they should be. are their investments paying off? it is likely the experiment of the current house being on payroll for foreign actors is a sign of things to come. an mvp if you will of who might want to dabble in the canadian parliament in the next election.
the amusing thing is watching politicians come to the realization that everyone else was already aware of what we will soon find out in the AG report next month.
its like watching a terrible drama series, the office of the house of commons, if only we were talking about a fictional paper company and not the lives of the people in this country.
as the year comes to a close we know that there are only two types of people who are valued by the MPs. straight white and jews. beyond that diversity we have seen every group targeted.
one mp says we are illegals and should be deported the other uses us as a mosaic in a smug conversation on US media that no one is fooled by. the only man who shows us to work is both rich and poor. canadian and not.
the farcical nature of how MPs run their house is on display as everyone from Modi, Netanyahu and Trump are wondering how to navigate the uniquely nice landscape of canadian politics.
bringing us to the Americanization of canadian elections. it was a wonderful thing to not have to pick a party until the month of the election. no one in canada has really ever been divided on party lines. but i suppose with so little protections we must all pick a side.
the crown prince hides in his palace of virtue, we are all to blame but he. the longer Mr. Trudeau takes to make his exit the more the world sees him as he is- not as he can now position himself to be.
the question of who Mr. Trudeau is has been asked and answered. not by his words but in the summation of his actions. we need no public statement of his amused poorly timed jokes. we have made up our mind. the longer he waits, the more he reveals if he is here for party, country, crown or another pay check indeed.
there is no graceful way for Mr. Trudeau to exist the leadership now. it is a testament to his brand of politicking that all canadians stand united hoping we get the Christmas gift of him being gone from our media feeds. if he disappeared into the night, making not even a speech he would save us the aggravation of having to listen to poorly crafted pundits saying exactly what we all have said this whole time.
the emperor has no clothes on.
he was the face of a brand of politics that the liberal party must now recover from. the longer he waits, the less time the liberals have to come back together. perhaps it is time for a moment of reflection. to wonder if the liberal party has lost its way too far from where it began.
let us leave the EDI generation behind and hire the next PM on merit.
i for one would prefer if the canadian politicians reminded themselves that they are not on a reality show. their job is not to be the story.
merry christmas and happy new year. may it be devoid of party bickering and extremely obvious politicking.