Canada creates change- the world follows

5 min readJan 6, 2025


While the US finds it hard to spot more than 1 person who knows the names of more than 5 countries 57.5% of Canadians have post secondary degrees.

We have had a brain drain problem in Canada since we have had universities. Almost all second generation immigrants leave Canada to pursue excellence in their fields. We create the most cutting edge tech from Quantum Computing — D-Wave to Fusion, General Fusion and some big shot from Texas shows up in his stupid hat and buys our tech out because we cant find the first customers here.

Why is the USA an economic powerhouse? Because they stole it from Canada. It gets tiring to constantly hear the US VCs brag about their bull shit Artificial Intelligence, when Richard Sutton refuses to leave Edmonton.

So the Climate is 100% changing. I dont know too much about emerging industries but it seems that an industry that has a need as important as life or death will emerge somewhere. With the most educated immigrant population in the world- I have zero idea why the world is not looking to us to set the tone of the Climate Transition.

No one sane is suggesting we start using unicorn farts in gas engines. Smart people tend to not say stupid shit like that. Educated people tend to wonder- why do we have any emissions in the Oil and Gas industry when we can build technology to fix that?

Should we build that technology then maybe we can also sell that? And the oil? And have a sovereign wealth fund that makes us all millionaires because we live on top of Oil and Gas? If we can stop some people from dying from preventable industrial accidents — might also be nice?

The most educated population on earth is a little tired of being told that our sense is not common enough. If you are not part of the majority of Canadians with post secondary degrees- get one? Get a trades job?

No one who has ever had a real job understands what a career politician does. The “Liberal Party” is a means to an end. The purpose of the next very anticipated election is to see how much we can all learn about what politicians do by having a real professional ask the right questions. In a manner that grade 6 students would not be embarrassed to see their parents talk.

The entire global economy is at a standstill because a few, effectively illiterate, people do not know what a constitutional monarchy is. The world is tired of being reduced to the lowest common denominator of understanding.

There is only one person who needs to know enough to fix everything. The leader of the team. One good leader can change the entire conversation by simply using the elements of the team properly. One good coach. One Manmohan Singh, one Nelson Mandela.

People dont get elected to leadership. They inspire it. By simply being themselves and not pretending to know things that they dont. In so doing the open the conversation to their team. They know when to get help, when to make the hard call and when to let someone else lead.

Too many Canadians are invested in the outcome of the country we all call home. Too few politicians know how to make this economy work. With the convergence of crypto, finance and climate economics, it falls to reason someone educated in those fields should lead the most educated population on earth?

At the very least someone who knows what those things are so they can find people to educate policy. A 25% tariff cannot be fought by a country who has gone on demographic war with every citizens home of origin. Those places are our customers. The internet is global.

People across the globe are confused about why the sitting leader of opposition, who does not have security clearance tattled to the Governor General and posted his letter on twitter. Running a country is not your political arts and crafts time.

Things like Artificial Intelligence are powerful when there is a real intelligence in charge. AI is not your talent show. We are confused as to why you cannot get security clearance, let us not pretend you ever disclosed your conflicts of interest. The rest of us walked in the door and asked our employers to create the forms.

Even without being the leader of the country, we need a person who can atleast know that they should be horrified when a foreign government offers them money to do something with the Canadian tax payers. The street is Wall- Bay. The people we follow are Bloombergs not PETERSONs. The most educated population on earth is more interested in the opinion of WARREN BUFFET, Ben Bernanke and Mark Carney.

If one of the leading global economists is willing to run Canada- they are taking a career sabbatical. No one cares what who eats for lunch. It is 2025- most of us have 2 post secondary degrees. Some have 3!!

Why are we driving taxis when we can be the global innovation nursery?

Screw Axe the Tax- Can we have a pay to be Canadian plan?

After 40 years of conservative governments in the oil and gas province, I have zero idea why or how Edmonton is the second most unemployed city in the country. Other oil countries used the revenues to stop the people from needing to pay taxes. We dont have doctors.

For the love of Canada, let the corporate world have one person represent the majority of Canada. We dont care about your opinion, we all want to also work in England for a few years. If you are too scared of new looking and sounding people- do not try to run an EXPORT ECONOMY.

I guess the new first rule of sales


If you break Carney- no one else from the corporate majority will run. But you will have to really try to break the man who dealt with brexit stupid.

UNIONS build cooperation. Economic unions help with trade. We are not ready to be the 51st state- we cant trade wine made in the Fraser valley in Ontario. We cant connect electricity between Alberta and British Columbia. All this country has is a bunch of kingdoms that call themselves companies.

Carney is probably wondering — as everyone is horrified- what happened to the 5 banks he saved during the economic collapse and when they went pro- terrorism.

A leader of opposition should be disqualified for having no idea what the GOVERNOR GENERAL does. At the very least he should have to write the same exam immigrants do before they can get immigration into Canada. All politicians should have to write a standardized GRADE 12 civics exam.

No one in Canada knows who is represented by the sitting House of Commons. The 57.5% of educated Canadians are not being represented by people who do not know the difference between fiat and crypto. Only one person is qualified to understand this century- it is the one who traveled and worked with our TRADING partners without offending them or accidentally committing treason by taking a bribe.

For the next election please remember that TWITTER IS NOT YOU JOB. The more you tweet- the less you work. So everyone else puts their phone away at work.

Merit based hiring.

If the liberal party makes the next choice based on feminism- then all the educated women are leaving the country. I cannot believe this has to be said in a 70% white country:

WHITE MEN CAN ALSO WORK. Lets see one in action so the rest of you know what it looks like.




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