blogChanges: feminist4Trans
all information from this blog will now be to help arm the individuals who are being attacked by Elon Musk.
please feel free to unsubscribe. I have chosen my box.
I am henceforth, publicly adopting the gender identity “they/them”.
I thank the incredible Malcom X for lighting my path.
I accept your declaration of war Mr. Musk. I accept the style of your battle as well. I have made only one modification. I was compelled by honor to make the declaration you were too cowardly to make.
I am the child of warriors. my DNA compelled me to make the call out loud. I will use no real weapons. I will never pick up a weapon.
Please be advised if we meet face to face i will be fighting hand to hand. you will have to knock me out as many times as it takes for me to be able to stop. every-time i wake up i will try again. in whichever condition i wake up.
i am the first warrior. i am the only warrior now.