Bah we survived another broTack.
I love tech. It’s math. Omg If i get a job coding, I’m like lit. But I have only one rule, only work with smart people. They do cool shit.
The end
I ve taken really low paid gigs coz the work was lit. But eventually there comes a point of maturity in an emerging industry. The steps are:
-Aman chahal, omg this is a fucking job? Paid? I can learn and earn!
-Then in about 2 years a department is set. I’m not in it, but they ask me all the questions.
-run by a guy, if she can do it, this must be sooooo easy.
-they then hire other bros. Who talk the new lingo
-white guys show up
The first time a white guy explains my work to me I leave. Because now I have to pretend that I don’t know he’s telling me what I told everyone.
It’s extremely triggering for someone on my end of the spectrum. I cant be a girl at work. I’m just me. Never had an issue.
My only issue is that I always imagine a life where I am. Doing that one job forever. I get gentrified. When u r on my end, the question is not will u make money, it is what shall I do for fun now…. School or work?
So I’ve moved 36 times. Due to “gentrification”
U can ask y I don’t pursue it but, realistically how many do you fight? How many times? U bring one forward and they destroy Ur life. So I make sure on the exit interview to be honest.
If u r a good person, Ur just a good person. I like working with good ppl. Smart people are very humble, they know what they know and they don’t act smart. No one can know fucking everything. That’s y u build a team.
A bad person is a bad person. They don’t want to be woken up so, whatever, sleep.
I mean they fuck it up. Look at artificial intelligence aka data science aka stats 101. 12 years I did this. I don’t ever know when they change the name.
If Ur legit, Ur legit. And I look forward to the gentrified definition of “entrepreneurship and innovation” aka, y is solving problems with knowledge and learning so hard, realize, this is a shit job.
Zero legit ppl want to be doing this. We all want to go home and chill vill. Omg watching the server work for 7 hrs means, I click and then stand there for 7 hrs DRAWING and making sure the server did not, mother fucking DROP THE CONNECTION.
Have u ever bee at work for 6 hrs, ran the server and realized, oh fuck that was the wrong algo. The fuck do u do then? Drink mo FOS.
Enjoy running no code code, that runs the server hot. Because when you are legit, the question is always going to be,
Yo how long did that take?
And if u can beat the average of that asshole time, Ur a boss. For life.
If u can’t learn and u r uncomfortable having hard conversations, u can’t understand the problems. If u don’t like fixing problem then u can’t build anything that solves them. Only execution matters.
Enjoy faking it in tech, this joint BLOWS for music vibes, I’ll make it in crypto, or blockchain, whichever cop you send next let him know that he has to actually discuss Santoshis paper and relate it to vitalik before he bull shits his artificial intelligence chops to me to shut me up. In front of my dad.
I yield the whole thing to you. I will NEVER pursue any form of legal action. I like helping others. Because if my problem is a person then I have no issues. I’ll just learn another industry and do a different entry level job. I’m brown we r used it it, and frankly u hate the technical shit. I love it.
That is y I know the value of a good manager,
“so… HHHey… I kkknow I showed up at 11 but I have not even started my timmys tea, and he is already pissing me off, so…. I hhhave to do it”
“ok. I understand that my job is to never do this fun part but to protect you from assholes. Ur a fucking genius, I’m so proud Ur on my team, u can do my job better”
“dude I hate Ur job. So u have the shit one, because u needed the pay. I have the fun one, so thanks for forgetting which line of business I did and which u did. U were tv, I was internet, u gave me the award for Ur own work”
Mother fucking Honor d. There is a thing called reverse sexism. U should be so lucky as to have experienced it as honorably and respectfully as I have. Until the gentrification.
Peace out etown. U were not worth the move. The fancy ppl in Toronto suit Ur personality. I guess edmontoniana r just east hastings to u. Whatever man, we go where there is work. Enjoy importing gentrification.