Member-only story
Aspy recovery: The rumble, and white ladies
I have rarely met a woman who has the same conditions as me. however due to unrelated issues i was studying women. normal women. an autistic woman has very little in common with the emotional existence of a normal women. normal women have ALOT of feelings and they love talking about them.
first- get a few of these ladies u can stand. most autistic women also have some form of emotional processing delay. a form of alexithymia. it takes us hrs if not days to figure out what we are feeling. however these feelings ladies can help u out. u will argue with them so listen to how THEY feel.
they will swear at u. its ok if they call you “vulnerable”. there is no shame in being vulnerable- i know- I GET IT that is not the accurate thing to describe how u feel. but these ladies dont care. just say ur vulnerable and roll with it. ur a lady technically- this i apparently a good thing.
Dear white ladies. im sorry.
in my study 100% of white women have been sexually assaulted. they tell u when they think ur being vulnerable.
Why are white women so targeted for sexual crimes by their own community?
they have no place to go.
frankly this is a colonized society issue. white women are isolated as the “prize”. in addition non white men are positioned to be the “criminal”. making white women the most pursued sex object when they travel.