Member-only story
Arigatasi Santoshi Nakamoto
I dont care who you are- i think i know what you are sir. what a play. u r most likely of north American Japanese dissent. ur heritage is proud- i would say military service, potentially pearl harbor. ur father was most likely placed in an internment camp.
changed him forever. changed u to see kids blown up so the country you wanted to belong to could tell u what they thought of ur kids. broke u too a lil id say. it would me.
u r an unrecorded genius. ur aptitude cannot be measured. there is no cross cultural measurement of genius in people like us. we suffer the dual problem, the delta between how smart anyone in our communities is considered vs the delta between us and them- the math cannot be done.
u sound like MIT. u definitely got into the best schools. u might have a phd- i think in math. they never gave u a job. u r a samuri and u had to tolerate too much disrespect. u went back.
u r a ghost. probably in ur 60s. beyond well respected where u r. watching the very people who made fun of you, now wear ur name on shirts as they speak of things they never had the capacity to understand.
u cannot even bring urself to smile. there is no feeling here other than the completion of work. it was not personal. they had to know- u cant play chicken with everyone's life and future and get away with it. the money is not important to u. ur that rich and no one knows it. i would theorize real estate. old school.
u earned every idiots money. and from me to you- i never want to know you. may u stay a ghost. may they never find u. may u have what che gueveras soul never could get- freedom from becoming a tshirt. a face against capitalism, used to sell gentrified revolution against the powerful elites.
u r not an elite- u stand alone and apart and u have no need for more power. u have enough of it to ensure urs will be safe. samuri and my people have that in common.
enjoy the shadows.