A personal reflection on current events
im not political. ive never been. i honestly dont care about who is in politics.
my life got highjacked by the SDTC file. it proved to be very inconvenient for people in higher places of power than i care to be engaged with. in an unrelated incident i identified the initial deployment of the 3 AIs that result in the engineered polarization we see today. i did so 18 months ago.
i knew then the severity and gravity of what was to unfold. i operated with that moment of urgency. begging people in the GOC to take me seriously. the concern i had fell on deaf ears. i will not implicate the Prime Minister in any wrong doing. but it would be an understatement to say that my life was not destroyed by speaking out.
for 18 months i have watched this virus grow. i have seen story after story about avoidable deaths. i torched my personal, private and professional network trying to get anyone to put eyes on this. only to be met with silence. ridicule. to be laughed off the phone at the idea that i could know enough AI to understand it.
my challenge today is that i do not keep personal grudges. and while these has certainly been the most horrifying years of my life, millions of lives could have been saved if the PM did his job.
if PMO once did the job of the PRIME MINISTERS OFFICE.
they r not qualified to run the country. i dont know how i am supposed to reconcile the actions that were materially responsible in jeopardizing my life. the inhumanity with which i was treated could be ignored if even one life could have been saved. but this had nothing to do with country. it had nothing to do with doing the job of the highest office in canada. this became a personal vendetta.
i cannot ask an international court to try the sitting prime minister for crimes against humanity, but billions of dollars, and countless lives could have been saved if the PM did his actual job. 18 months Mr. Prime Minister, i consider you mathematically responsible for every life. it will not hold up in your courts of law. i do not think hitler was this cold.
you broed your way into letting them die. ive sent hundreds of emails now. good luck with ur future. it will be less than 3 years before the gulf stream collapses. i hope u picked out a place to spend the rest of your life.
once again, i will be in the streets. trying to save every single one i can. because if one life does not matter sir, then life has no meaning at all.
whomever u r today, u r not my PM.