a new cultural star is born. congratulations earth- its white
when you grow a culture in a petri dish, and the conditions are stable, controlled the culture grows to consume all resources. then a mutation takes place, something within that culture learns a more resilient way to survive. it is that anchor to our biological imperative to survive that bifurcates the first culture we are witnessing born for the first time.
the white culture
and because in all the homes and friends who have gathered here to watch our friends take new stands, we all have a story that is a cautionary take about “remember when the white man came”.
therefore it stands that this cultural moment will stand on the chosen, and defined decisions of how and whom white men define themselves to be in the next decade.
after that decade i am afraid we will all have taken each others jobs. friendship has a much stronger way of assimilating you. we have all seen that white guy who cant stop eating the brown food.
just admit ur a white boy- and u can also have home made gulab jamun.
earth has given birth to many great cultures. they all have shadows of bigotry, racism and slavery in them. we never had to come face to face with our mirrors. time did not record it if we did.
why dont we stop acting like we dont know each other? seems we can have this conversation together and then maybe there wont be any white boys or brown girls? why pick one identity when you can be them all?